chp 3

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"I gave Pico some medicine and kept him warm. He slept most of the day peacefully and I relaxed a bit. I love spending time with Pico, so it's going to be quite hard to stay mostly alone for a few days, or a few weeks. I occasionally go for a few walks to a park but never for long. Even though I do already have job, I got a small side job with a few of my friends. We mostly do volunteer work around the town and it pays pretty good. I don't mind doing it at all. -6/18/21"
(Note: In this timeline you are about 16+ for the purpose of this story. You share an apartment with Pico.)
"Done." I said to myself. I closed my journal and checked the time.
"10:47." It read. I started to close the curtains and packed my things up in my bag. I carried my things on one arm as I quietly walked upstairs. I took my bag with me to the bathroom as I washed up.
As I walked into our room, I sat my things down on my desk's chair. I had been a bit more tired today so I decided on just sleeping in my clothes. I sighed and looked to Pico. He snored quietly as I smiled. I climbed into bed next to him and hugged him. He had woken up a bit and hugged me tightly.
"Goodnight." I whispered.
"Night, love." He said burying his face into my chest. I blushed but stroked his head and smiled. He kept me warm as I fell asleep in his arms.

picoxreader part3Where stories live. Discover now