Chapter 1

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No one's POV
It was the same as any other day. Get up, have a shower, get dressed, eat breakfast, go to school, lunch, go home, dinner, brush teeth, sleep. Or at least.. it was supposed to be the same.. it was never stuck to the list for a little green-haired kid. There he stood, in front of another kid who was crying. He was trying his best to protect him from three other kids. One of whom was his former childhood friend
?: that's mean, Kacchan. If you keep going, I-I-I'll never forgive you!
The blonde kid, or "Kacchan" as he was called, chuckled as he raised a hand that cackled in sparks in his palm. His two friends behind had also activated their quirks. The kid on his right with demon wings and the kid on his left with long fingers. "Kacchan" smacked his fist against his palm. Releasing a small explosion that let off some after-smoke
?: even though you're quirkless... you're pretending to be a hero, Deku?
The green haired kid, now known as "Deku", gasped loudly as he stood back a bit. Tears pricking the corners of his eyes and fear visible on his face with his hands raised. The three kids had began rushing forward at the boy with wide evil grins on their faces and quirks activated. One fist towards the boy and he was basically done for..

That's what people would think. "Deku" just layed there, with a face of exhaustion,
In defeat as the kid he protected was sat on his hands and knees still balling his eyes out. All men are not created equal. This was the reality he learned at the age of four. And that was his first and last setback.
"Deku" was running down the street with a wide open-mouthed grin as he had just heard news of a villain attack. Once the villain was in sight, his grin grew wider. Who was "Deku", really?
His name was Izuku Midoriya.
Izuku: that's a huge Villain!
He shouted out excitedly..
this? This was only the beginning. Not just for him.. but for his hot-headed spiky blonde childhood friend aswell.

Deku's POV
U.A. High School hero's course. A training school for those whose goal is to acquire the necessary qualifications for pro heroes. Among similar courses across the country, theirs is the most popular and most competitive, and their acceptance rate is less than one in three hundred every year.
The hero who refused a national honor award— the number one hero, All Might.
The hero who resolved the most incidents in history— The Fiery Hero, Endeavour.
The winner of the Best Jeanist award eight years in a row— Best Jeanist.
Graduation from U.A. Is a requirement for becoming a hero. And so, I also tackled the U.A. Entrance Exam. I will take... the first step toward my dream of becoming a hero!
'What is this? It's like a city! They have more than one of these on school grounds? U.A.'s amazing!' After remembering what Present Mic told us of the exams and mock battles my nerves grew stronger as I visibly gulped
Me: mock battles...
I looked around at all the other people ready to go into the entrance exams
Me: how are all these people so confident..? Aren't they nervous? They even have equipment to go with their quirks...
I continued to look around until I caught notice of a familiar speck of brown hair
Me: oh, it's the person I met at the school gates! The nice person! She was assigned to the same battle center, huh?
I began making my way towards her
'Oh yeah, I have to thank her for earlier'
Just as I thought that I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned my head to see the same man with blue hair and glasses that yelled at me for my mumbling. I felt scared out of my skin when I saw the stern look on his face. 'He's here, too?'
He looks towards the nice person who looked to be patting her chest
?: that girl appears to be trying to focus. What are you doing here? Are you taking the entrance exam to interfere with everyone else?
I was quick to wave my hands about in a panic with a panicked look on my face.
Me: N-N-No, of course not...
I heard people talking about me.. I feel like they think they lucked out because I'm here...
Present Mic: okay, start!
We all looked up to where we could hear Present Mic yelling
Present Mic: what's wrong? There are no countdowns in real fights! Run, run! The die has been cast, you know!
We could see him standing on some kind of tower waving his arm to get us to run.
Me: huh?
I look around to see that everyone had already started running into the entrance exam
Me: huh?
I let out a gasp
Me: what?! I...I'm behind already!
I start running in after them with my best attempt of catching up.
'I'm behind. Calm down, calm down. It's fine. It's fine! I have All Might with me.'
My mind went back to the time I forced myself to swallow All Night's hair to receive his quirk and how he told me to be prepared for the consequences One For All will have on my body. Just as I had finished remembering this a one point robot had smashed through a wall and rolled right in front of me. It looked right at me with its one red lense eye
One-point: target acquired, I'll kill you!
And with that, the wheels on the robot were speeding to push the robot towards me quickly. 'It's coming! It's coming! It's coming!' I thought to myself. But I was frozen in place. 'Why can't I move?' I couldn't move my legs. It was like they were glued to the ground. I shut my eyes tightly expecting to get hit but nothing came as a laser beam had shot through the robot, destroying it instantly
?: thanks for distracting!
I looked back and saw golden blonde haired man with his hands on the back of his head.
?: Merci! We made a good team. But I don't think we'll meet again.
He turned around and ran off
?: Adieu!
I watched him runaway
Me: we won't meet again...?
I stood there, sadly, until I heard Present Mic's voice on the speaker
Present Mic: six minutes and two seconds left!
I gasped as I looked around after hearing those words. So I went back to running to find more "Villains" to take down for points
Me: oh no! Oh no!
I tried to go a bit faster
Me: oh no!!
I looked around as I ran. Seeing dismembered robots left and right.
'Points... I need points fast!'
When I finally manage to speed run my way out to the main battlefield I see that there is just bodies of point bots everywhere. I look around and see the nice person from earlier. She was running through the field of bot parts. She placed her hand on each live robot she ran past, making them float up. She then put her fingertips together and yelled release as she made the fingertips disconnect. The point bots fell to the floor and were destroyed on Impact. Once she had done that she leaned forward a bit with her hands on her knees. She soon looked back at the destroyed point bots
Nice person: that's twenty-eight points...!
She then continued off running
'What? Twenty-eight?'
As I thought that, the same blue hair and glasses from earlier had gone rushing towards a point bot at quick speed due to the exhaust pipes coming out of his legs. His quirk allowed him to jump up and let his foot make impact with the head of a 2-pointer.
?: forty-five points!
I looked at him in shock
Me: forty-five?!
I hear other people yelling out their points left and right as parts of bots go flying off. I look around in worry as the enemies were decreasing in numbers rapidly. There's no way I can get any points in time... soon enough, the world started to shake around us. A cloud of concrete dust had puffed up from behind a building, making us all look up at where the commotion was coming from. A giant Zero-Pointer...! Isn't it a little too big?
The point bot brought a fist down towards us. As it's fist made impact with the ground, it caused a cloud of dust to fill almost the entire area we were in. I stared in fear as other people ran out of the cloud in fear after I collapsed onto the floor in frozen fear yet again.
'Shoot! I have to get out of here! I'll get points as I run..'
I start trying to crawl away
'Oh no.. I'm still at zero points..'
Present Mic's voice had sounded out again
Mic: less than two minutes left!
I looked up with the same worry and fear still plastered on my face
Me: two minutes?!
'It'll be wasted. Everything All Might gave me... will be wasted!'
Whilst lost in thought I heard a distressed whimper. I stopped in place, still on my hands and knees, after hearing this. I turned around to see the nice person stuck under a slab of concrete from when the zero pointer made that punch at the ground. When I remembered something she had said after she stopped me from falling face first to the floor, my legs had once again acted on their own. I was up and running towards the zero-pointer before I could even think. As I felt myself crouch, ready to jump, I felt a weird tingling sensation on both legs. As I jumped up I went high. I mean high high up towards the head of the zero pointer. I brought my hand up to a fist and felt the same tingling sensation. That was when I realised.. All Might's quirk had charged up. My fist went back down as I felt the sleeve of my jacket get torn to shreds
'Yell inside your heart...'
I brought the fist up towards the point bot's head as I yelled inside my heart, like All Might said
And once my fist had made impact with the head, there was a huge dent in it. Causing it to start exploding as it fell backwards towards the floor. Soon enough, once I heard Present Mic announce that there was only one minute left, I felt myself sling towards the floor. Once I had realised that I couldn't do anything to stop myself, I had closed my eyes and quickly accepted whatever fate was awaiting me until I felt a slap against my cheek. I didn't remember anything after that since I was basically knocked out by whoever saved me.. but I had a feeling it was the nice person that did it... again..

No one's POV
Once the battle was over, the heroes and teachers were going over who had performed well in the exam. But there was one certain long black-haired sleep deprived man who had taken an interest in a certain angry blonde. Not because of his explosive personality. But because there was something he could sense about him. Something... familiar...

Yes, I will be making the chapter the same as the episodes. Action for action, word for word. But, again, the things that will be different is the spirit animals within some characters. I'm also thinking, if this book goes well, that I will make sequel books to this one the same as season 2, 3, 4, 5. If you catch my drift. Anyhoo, hope you like it!

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