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Straight midnight, Kate and Rob had just pulled up at their home from vacation only to find a wild teen party running in their house, the whooping crowd and the pumping music hit their ears as soon as they pulled up on the driveway. Rob furiously dashed into the enormous brick house and turned off the unforgiving ear-piercing rock music and fixed the crowd a grumpy stare .'' Alright party's over, everybody out ! '' he yelled from the top of his voice as he held the door open for the crowd '' I don't want to repeat myself ''.The teens booed and hissed at him as they exited but he could care less because all he wanted was all of them out of his sight. His wife trotted to the scene, she too had surprise registered on her pale face.

While Rob escorted the delinquents out, Kate   eagerly searched around the house for the culprit, she'd already prepared a murderous frown for him .''Maxwell !'' she angrily called out for her sixteen-year-old son as she rushed up a spiral glass staircase  '' I know you can hear me...young man you're in big trouble ''Kate knew he was hiding from them somewhere in the house, he'd done it before. The slim blond lady opened glass door after glass door hoping to spot him in any of the gigantic rooms. Fifteen minutes later Kate was already getting irritated with seeking the obnoxious delinquent, she really felt like she had no luck in finding Maxwell. ''Maybe this time he was smart enough to run off with his party mates''. she thought to herself as she went downstairs to Rob who was still ushering the teenagers out of his property. ''Where is he? ''Rob weakly asked his wife '' This boy is out of control '' he sighed as he continued escorting out the crowd. '' I don't know what I'll do to him once I find him '' Kate swore as she clenched her fists.

As the party guests lined out the exit, Kate noticed a girl who was about to leave with some of her belongings, she immediately approached her. ''Excuse me young lady !'' Kate started ''that's my make-up kit ''. The girl's reaction said otherwise, she sneered at Kate as she disrespectfully chewed and blew gum on her face.

'' Did you not hear? , I said that's mine'' said Kate as she opened up her palm in hopes of getting her stuff back.

''Well I don't see your name on it'' the girl said with a bit of attitude. In cases like those Kate normally allowed her face to do the talking and with a bit of angry mama scowls the girl gave up and dumped Kate's make-up kit on the floor. ''I didn't want the stupid kit anyway .''cried the girl as she exited in a hurry.

''Ah wait !'' Kate called out to the girl who was already halfway across the driveway '' wait ! bring back my overpriced  stilettos'' 

''No way ! '' the girl shouted as she ran off '' She who wears it owns it! , F.Y.I I have your Versace purse ''

'' What ? '' cried Kate '' Amateurs ! ''. Kate was pissed off big time ! '' those shoes are the best thing that's ever happened to me  .'' Little did she know, her husband heard the entire thing, and her explanation was as simple as '' Oh! you know I love you ''She then rushed upstairs to avoid feeling all guilty an stuff.

After making her way to the second floor, Kate heard singing, the sound was coming from her bathroom, she went on to check it out and after quickly bursting through the door with a stiletto up above her head for defense Kate met eyes with a chubby man who at the moment was happily bathing with toys in Kate's bathtub. After meeting the two shared a couple of screams and they began to throw stuff at each other. ''How dare you !'' the man exclaimed at Kate as he hopped out of the tub and covered up in a towel. '' have you ever not heard of knock before you enter? ''

'' First of all who are you and what are you doing in my house ?''Kate asked with a sneer to the face, secondly, this is my bathroom and I need not to knock before I enter.''

'' Relax lady '' said the man as he snuggled his feet into a pair of slippers '' I'm just the pizza guy''

'' I'm calling the police ! '' she threatened him as she took out her phone to make the call.

The Maxwell Comedy Book Series ;  Book 1Where stories live. Discover now