"So you're the reason either of them are speaking again? You're gonna be having all the boys after you now," I grumbled back, trying not to be annoyed. Why do I care if someone talks to my sister, that's really a great thing for her. But why can't I have one boy falling for me? It didn't matter anyway. How could i be good enough? If Colton doesn't want me, no one will.

I went up to my pale blue and white bedroom as soon as we got back home, sitting down on my bed. I tried really hard to forget that night... But it's those types of nights that are impossible to. I couldn't stop myself from thinking back to it.


I walked into the local diner, I knew he'd be late, but I still got there early. I always did. I stood at the front counter as I waited.

When he finally showed up, he was only wearing a coke T-shirt and plaid shorts. What happened? Did I do something? He looked over at me and nodded his head to the door before exiting, I followed.

We walked down a dark alleyway, it was silent. I stood behind him, scared, as I waited for him to speak. And when he did, I didn't expect his words.

"It's not working, Abigail," he said flatly, still facing away from me, "It never would've worked."

"I thought..." I didn't know how to finish, it was too surprised.

"That we were good together?" Colton finished, "I thought you realized we weren't the ever gonna work out, girl. You always knew we had a... How would you put it? Fragile. A fragile relationship. It was never going to work out. Especially on your end."

"But... I thought you... Loved me?" I whispered, barely loud enough for him to hear. He then rounded on me, stepping closer.

"Loved? You thought I loved you?" He demanded with a humorless laugh, "You wouldn't even know what love is if it slapped you across the face and asked you to marry it!" I stood there, trying to hold my ground. He was right, I had known it was fragile. But I never thought this would happen.

"I trusted you..." What is there in this world that I can trust anymore? I'm losing everything I love, "We love each other... I love you, Colton."

"That's where wrong. We don't love each other. You love me. I don't love you," he growled at me, "No one could ever love you." It was getting dark. I held my breath, hoping he'd start laughing and say 'just kidding '. He didn't. I felt my first tear fall. His eyes were stone cold.

"Goodbye, Abigail," he said before turning and walking away.

I can't lose him again, "But... Why?"

"Because," he stopped walking, but didn't turn back to me, "Someone like you could never end up with someone like me. You're just not good enough."

I stood there and watched him walk away from everything we had. Yet I still mean everything I've told him. I love him.


I had cried the whole way home, I hadn't even realized I'd gotten home.

I sat curled up on my bed, it was starting to get dark. I was suddenly very glad I hadn't been given homework. I just sat in the corner of my darkening room until someone knocked on my door gently. Candice. She was the only one who knocked gently.

"What is it?" I said, sniffling away my tears.

"Dinner time," she said, cracking my door open, "Are you okay?"

"Fine," I replied, "I'll be down in a minute."

"Okay," Candice reluctantly left me alone, to dwell in my misery for another minute.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2015 ⏰

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