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In the beginning there was darkness and in this darkness were three spirits called Duerin. The names of these Duerin were Neldule, Mielando, and Rienay. Neldule, was lord over the plants, animals and keeper of the balance of nature. He was also the leader of the Duerin. Mielando, was commander over the waters and everything in them. Rienay, was mistress of the flames, lava, earth quakes, and mountains. The Duerin were all equal in their amount of power but not in power itself. Each Duerin ruled also over a tribe and within these tribes were different races.

          Neldule’s tribe was called The Naturin and within this tribe were the Lorthin elves. They were the wisest of all elves for they studied and wrote the history of the land. There were also two white wizards who were the guardians of the land and were the only ones who could communicate with the Duerin. They were also very pure and would never grow old. Then were the Etre Thors or tree people. They were charged with keeping the trees and plants safe. Of course there were men in these tribes and they were just like you and me. There were also the green mages who were the doctors and protectors of the tribe. The Duerin created a special race to lead the tribes, they were called Nebders and they had control over one elements according to their tribe. In this tribe these were the Fela Thors. They were gifted with the power to rule air and could do with it what they pleased.

          Meailando’s tribe was called The Aquillian and the races in this tribe were the Wavelin elves. They were the most powerful elves. There were two sky wizards which were just like the white ones. The Sifkh Thors, or fish people were included in this tribe. They were like the Etre Thors except they kept all the water animals safe.  The men were also in this tribe. They also had the blue mages and they were like the green mages. The Nebders of this tribe were Runcert Thors, and they had control over the waters.

          Rienay’s tribe was called The Migice. In her tribe were the Earuptooles elves and they had the reign over the volcano. There were also the pink wizard who was just like the green and white ones. Then there were the Vala Thors, or lava people, they were masters over lava. Cei Thors were the protectors of the Ice Temple located inside Iwe Mountain. There were no men this tribe for they would not be able to survive in the mountains. There were the red mages who were easily corrupted but they were like all the other mages. The leaders of this tribe were the Corkh, they could control rock, fire, and lava.

          In this land it was still dark so the three Duerin came together as one and created light and the people rejoiced. Then, since they were all in one place they decided to give the land a name. After many long hours they finally decided on Arthillait (are-thil-ee-at).

          In Arthillait there were five regions. The lake region, the mountain region, the forest region, the plain region, and the desert. The Naturin people lived in the forest region, The Aquillian people lived in the lake region, and the Migice lives in the mountain region. 

          After 500 years of ongoing peace, war broke out between the three tribes and a new Duerin, Vailess who was brought into the world by a corrupted red mage. After the tribe leader realized what happened he banished the mage to the desert along with Vailess. For 7 years the two built an army and an island. In the 507th year of the first age, war broke out between the dark tribe, which consisted of the dark mage, dark elves, and Dasowkh Thors, and the Three Tribes. Then after 70 years of war the Three Tribes finally, with the help of the Duerin defeated Vailess and drove him to the prison realm that created specifically for him. Unfortunately his servants still remained.

          Shortly after the war ended the Duerins created another race of elves, they were called the Light Elves and were the wisest, most powerful, and purest elves of all. They were even wiser than the Lorthin elves and more powerful than Wavelin elves.

          This is the legend of Arthillait’s beginning. 

Gailin's Adventuresजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें