Welcome to the Village

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   "Y/n, are you sure you want to do this? This move is gonna set you back to the dark ages, I'll only be able to write you letters and shit." Y/n's best friend Natalie said with slight anger. Natalie couldn't believe that a break up would send Y/n to run off into some village in the middle of Europe where they didn't even have fully functional toilets, let alone lack of internet, but there was nothing stopping her and Natalie knew that. In fact, she almost hated Y/n for it, just up and leaving everyone and everything for someone who called themselves 'Mother Miranda'. What a freak.
   "Natalie, I can't explain what this means to me and I know you hate me, but I need to do this. I'm tired of modern day, working endlessly for shit pay, crying over people who will never know us, screaming at strangers we'll never meet in real life, I'm tired of it. The lack of toilets and showers will be hard, but I'm sure there is something there, they aren't dirty people, I've been there before remember?" Y/n said. Natalie did remember but just shrugged, wanting to punch Y/n in the face. After more arguing and some crying, Y/n finally boarded her plane with her bags, Natalie watching with anger and tears in her eyes. She sighed deeply as she sat down, plugging in her earphones and listening to music as the plane took off, closing her eyes and falling asleep.

   Almost two full weeks had passed since she'd been in the village, and the weather was getting colder. The only dresses she had were short sleeve, but she was employing the help of Malaya in the village for a few long sleeve ones. Instead of money, Malaya just wanted a few of Y/n's delicious chocolate cakes, her being one of few people in the village that could actually bake. Y/n was on her way to Malaya's house to pick up a new dress, a blanket wrapped around her shoulders; once there, the door flew open before she could even knock and Malaya showed her possibly the most beautiful dress Y/n had ever seen. It came all the way up to her neck, a small white frill around the neckline, solid black with obsidian buttons, the sleeves coming to cover the back of her hand, a small ring going over her middle finger on each hand, the waist hugging her curves perfectly.
   "Oh Malaya, thank you! This dress is amazing! It fits so perfectly too!" Y/n twirled in the mirror, happy with the way the bottom swirled around her feet. Malaya giggled and handed her a small basket full of other goodies like soap bars, muffins, a few butter sticks, flour, and several other household and baking items.
   "From the other villagers, as a welcome home present. We're glad to have you here, Y/n, welcome." Malaya hugged her goodbye and sent her on her way home.

   Another week later she was on her way to the church with a cake in a box, promising to bring one to the small celebration they were having in honor of one of the lords. Y/n smiled as she walked, feeling a sense of calm wash over her, a calm she hadn't felt in years. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, the cold stinging her throat; she yelped as something caught her foot, causing her to launch forward, sending the cake flying direcly onto the man in front of her.
   "Hey, what the fuck?" He said, whirling on her with his hammer over his shoulder, an anger blazing in his eyes as bright as the cigar in his mouth. "What the hell is your....problem." His voice softened as he looked down at the girl, snow covering a clearly brand new dress, scrape marks on her hands and tears, shame, and fear in her eyes. He swiped cake off of him and stared down at the girl who just stared right back at him, both lost in the other's eyes. "Pardon me, but I don't believe we've met before. You're new, aren't you?" He said, stooping to be at her eye level.
   "Yes, I just moved her a few weeks ago. I-I'm so sorry about the cake, I wasn't watching where I was going and I tripped over this, uh..pipe?" Y/n said, looking confused at the piece of metal sticking out of the ground. Her eyes widened as it wiggled for a second before launching into the air and folding itself into a small goat shaped figure. It floated softly down to the ground, where the man grabbed it and handed it to her.
   "My fault. Bring this to the church instead of the cake, they'll know who its from and what it means. Lord Heisenberg, by the way." He grabbed her hands and helped her stand, settling the goat into her palms. "And what might your name be?" His eyes sparkled behind his darkened, round glasses.
   "You're a lord? Oh my god I threw cake on one of the four lords." Y/n muttered. Heisenberg laughed and dismissed it, asking her once again for her name. "Oh, uhm...Y/n. Is my..name." She looked with slight wonder as sheets of metal began floating towards him; he stepped onto one, more following his steps, lifting him into the air.
   "Well Y/n don't worry about the damn cake. Worry about yourself. See you soon." He winked at her as he walked on his sheet metal path back towards his factory. Y/n looked down at the little metal goat in her hands, completely star struck. Lord Heisenberg...she had heard that he was the most dangerous of the lords, but he didn't seem dangerous at all, he seemed...nice. Not to mention handsome. This sudden thought took Y/n by surprise, but the cold interjected her thoughts as she marched on towards the church.

   Karl watched her trek through snow to the church, cursing himself for not offering a safer path for her. He had seen a few outsiders come in to the village before, but never ones as pretty as her. There was something else about her that intrigued him, something...dark. Whatever it was, he liked it, and planned on seeing her again.

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