DeathStorm(mcr killjoys) first 2 chapters

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I glared at him. He stood over me a raygun in hand.

“You are not one of them anymore. You are one of us in BL/ind. Now you choose to be with us or back in the cell you go.”

I spat at him. He glared at me.

“I would rather die!”

I breathed in heavily.

“That can be arranged.”

My life flashed in front of me. I was 13 and unlike most 13 year olds I was a killjoy. I had been abandoned when I was ten. My parents left me to die in the desert. I had only a lighter and jackknife for protection. I had only a water bottle. I had walked for hours and had just dropped. I was ready to die. I shut my eyes. I opened them one last time. I squinted and saw red hair and a guy leaning over me.

“You think she’s ok?”

He asked the group of men behind him.

“I guess.. I don’t know about kids. Are her eyes open?”

I heard a voice from behind him. The guy with red hair nodded.

“Yeah... Hey there. Are you ok?”

The guy asked me. I tilted my head on the sand.

“Yeah, I jus I don’t feel to good.”

The guy chuckled.

“You able to get up?”

I nodded. He lended me a hand to help me get up. I hesitated.

“it’s okay. We won’t hurt you.”

He said reassuringly. I nodded and took his hand and got back on my feet. I dusted off my jeans and shirt. I looked at him and the guy next to him. I instantly knew who they were. They were in the group S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W. They were in a battle with BL/ind. I lived in California which now was a battle zone for the two and everyone was scared of them. My eye got wide. I backed away. The guy with red hair smiled reassuringly at me.

“Don’t worry we won’t hurt you. I promise. We’re here to help.”

I gulped and nodded. He walked towards me and kneeled down to my height.

“What are you doing out here?”

My eyes started to water. The tears poured out of my eyes. He looked at me sympathetically and pulled me close and hugged me. He pulled away and wiped away my tears.

“Come on now. None of that...”

I sniffled and nodded.

“My.. My parents left me...”

The guy turned to the guy behind him. They mouthed back to each other. Then they both nodded back to each other. Then turned back to me. I tilted my head confused. He smiled at me.

“I’m Party Poison and this is Fun Ghoul.”

I nodded at Party Poison and looked at his friend behind him. He smiled.

“What’s your name?”

I looked down.


Party Poison nodded.

“Well you can come with us.”

I nodded putting my hand in my pocket. Party Poison eyed my bugling pockets. I sighed and pulled out the lighter and jack knife. Who had became my only friends. Party Poison gasped as I twirled the knife in my fingers.


I asked. He looked surprised as I continued playing with it and rolling it between my fingers.

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