Trip To California

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"That's what had me worried. I don't know if I'm turning Sith or something, but this is why I need to get to California to consult with Professor Philips. Only he knows what's going on," I explained.

As expected, he knows. "You're making an excuse to not search scoops with me again, aren't you?" I'll tell you readers why.

"That's besides the point. Plus, you drive really slow!" I emphasized.

1 week ago...

"Geronimo? Can you drive a little bit faster?"

"Why should I?"

"We need to get to the scoop before Rasmoussen and Squealer do."

"I think we will get there before them at this speed. After all, better to be safe that's sorry."

"I get that, but...sigh...G? I built Terra (Geronimo's Cadillac CTS-V Sedan) so the she has thousand horsepower from her V8! Specifically meant to be used for these situations! And you're saying that you're refusing to use the remaining 934 horsepower."

"Danny, I'll only use Terra's full power output on pursuits. I'm currently a member of the media, so I tend to abide the law when I'm not working as an Interpol agent."

"...Geronimo? You do that the speed limits in the city are 55 miles an hour, right?"

"Yeah? So?"

"You're driving on 10." (Could drive a little faster?)

See what I mean when I said boring?

"When are you leaving?" Benjamin interrupted.

"I'll fly out soon...tonight, maybe. So I won't be around to chase scoops with you till Sunday probably."

"I suggest that you better pack up now if you're leaving tonight," said Geronimo.

"Sounds good..."

"One more thing, would you like me to arrange a private jet for you from Interpol?"

"That'd be great. Thanks."

I went home with Geschwind, packed up light and waited for the night. Later that day, I went to Angorat International Airport and flew off for California in one of Interpol's private jets.
Los Angeles, California
Friday - March 21, 2014
1245 hours

RING! "Professor Graham Philips speaking."

"Professor, it's me."

"Danial! It's good to hear from you again! It's been so long! Is everything okay? Because sixteen hours ago, I felt a disturbance in the Force."

"Uh, about that...I need to see you."


"ASAP. I just landed in Los Angeles, and right now I'm at LAX. We'll meet at Caltech. I've got a huge problem."

"How huge?"

"ENORMOUS. It involves my Force powers. I'll explain when we get to the research lab."

"I'm on my way."

"I'll see you in half an hour."

I landed in California several hours later, having myself jet lagged after flying across the United States. I wanted to see the Professor immediately, so I never bothered to settle in first and hired a cab straight to Caltech.
California Institute of Technology
1318 hours

Geronimo Stilton: INTERPOL-Trouble In France: An Old Enemy ReturnsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt