General Information:

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You may use your copies of the drawings/ideas in this book for non-commercial use, as long as you give credit back to me. This is done by including my username (KCB001) below or above your drawing and explaining that you drew the image based on my Drawing Book. If you're not showing your drawings to anyone, the credit bit doesn't apply.

Any steps with asterisks (*) in front of them should be done softly with a pencil. This is the sketching phase, so you want to be able to erase your work if you don't like something!

In general, my process is this:

-Sketching in the general shapes that will make up the artwork.

-Continuing to add detail until I am satisfied with the sketch. This may appear as one or more steps, depending on the complexity of the drawing. 

-Lightly erasing the drawing and then adding in line art. This doesn't have to be done in pencil, it can be done with other materials, depending on what you want your final piece to look like and how much time you're willing to invest.

-Shading/Coloring in the line art. 

At the end of each chapter, I may choose to include other drawings of the item/creature/character, though they will not include the process. This is to give you a general idea of how to draw the picture in different positions, and to spark your imagination!

This book is still majorly in progress. So if something seems missing, it could be I just haven't added it yet (Particularly in the Good Things to Know about Drawing section) 

Authors Note: 

Don't feel bad if your drawings don't turn out perfect the first time! It's totally okay! If you constantly beat yourself up about your work not being amazing, you'll have less fun and be less inclined to keep practicing. So just remember, we all suck when we start something new! Even great artists you look up to could draw only stick figures at one point! You'll get better. It might take you a while (It's taken me around five years to get to the point I'm at) but you CAN do it. I believe in you! <3 

Let me know if there's anything else you'd like me to draw! I will try my best to get back to you! :) 

How to Draw: FantasyUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum