Chapter 1

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A hoot. A laugh. A joyful grin. All the things Candice Leta Lestrange felt she would never see or hear. 

Candice Lestrange had been the most prized possession of the Sacred 28 for her entire life. And that was just fine by her younger twin, Angelina Bellatrix Lestrange. People bowed to her where ever she went. She was probably the most respected pureblood in the entire Wizarding World. So when she was called up for her sorting, everybody was surprised to hear her say, 'Not Slytherin, not Slytherin.'. Which after that moment, she said the worst moment of her life, he said the best, Fredrick Weasley fell in love with her.

Candice had walked up and smirked as the hat fell on her head. Instantly it talked.
"Ah, Candice Lestrange. I have been expecting the most famous pureblood to be coming to Hogwarts. Now, lets get down to business. Ambitious, cunning and smart. Fiercely loyal and utterly determined. But no Gryffindor or Slytherin. Not Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, perhaps? Yes! Ravenclaw indeed. RAVENCLAW!" the Sorting Hat had cheered. Candice had grinned and done three front hand springs to the table. 

After her sister had been sorted into Hufflepuff, those weird red haired twins been sorted into Gryffindor and everyone else had been sorted, Candice looked for a meal. But none appeared.
"Cooper, Selina!" McGonagall called. A pretty girl walked up, once hidden in the boastful Gryffindors. After a bit of debating, the hat called;
"RAVENCLAW!". The whole table erupted into cheers. Candice looked at the Gryffindors and caught one of the red heads looking at them. As Selina sat down, she held out her hand.
"Hey, can I ask you something?" she asked.
"Sure. Candice Lestrange." Candice introduced herself.
"Selina Cooper. Can we be allies?" Selina grinned at Candice Candice nodded and as she and her new friend chatted throughout her meal, Candice never noticed a certain red head's eyes on the back of her head.

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