"I'd run Leo" Chase said.

"Don't need to tell me twice." Leo ran out screaming. Y/n tried chasing after him but Chase held her back

"Leo get back here! Chase let me go." She said trying to get out of him grip.

"Adam Bree go help Leo hide."


"On it"

"No you don't! get back here!" Chase grabbed her and pulled her back pushing her into a wall pinning her hands above her. Y/n went wide eye, started blushing and stop struggling. Chase leaned closer to her.

"You should probably go home and change. You just got toilet water dumped on you." Y/n just nodded and Chase let her go. She started walking out the door but stop

"Wait you can't tell me what to do!" She started walking back but Chase grabbed her and lead her out the door "Fine! Tell Leo I'll get him back!" With that she super speed home making sure no one saw her



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Y/n walked in front of the Davenports house. She took 3 showers just to get the toilet water out. She walked in and saw Adam spraying on pants.

"Wh- you know what I'm not going to ask"

"You go the toilet water out?" Bree asked going up to her and hugging her.

"Yea..... after 3 showers." Chase went up to her and connected their lips.

"I'm still mad at you" Y/n mumbled into the kiss. Chase pulled away.

"And why's that?"

"You stopped me from killing Leo...... speaking of which where is Leo?"

"Not saying."

"Whatever" Y/n went and sat on the couch but Chase picked her up and sat her on his lap turned to her side. Y/n tried to ignore him but he made it hard. He laid kisses all over her face, he lightly tickled her causing her to squeal, and played with her hair. She gave in and just stopped ignoring him. They started talking and Adam came back.

"I spent my last five bucks on this whole basket of used socks"

"You don't even wear socks" Chase said

"Hello sock puppets" Adam said with socks on his hands

"So you bought that with the money you got from your chores? What about you Chase, Bree?" Y/n asked

"I spent it starting my hideous babies collection." Bree started showing them the dolls.

"Ok Bree I know it in the name but there hideous why would you want them" (no hate to people who have them I just put it for the story sorry)

The Bionic and The science experiment (Chase x reader)  season 1Where stories live. Discover now