Chapter 1

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"Sofie, let me explain!" he started but i stopped him

"I understand, Nick. I know your parents didn't like me! I was trying hard to be less edgy. But how could u do this to me? I thought u love me!"

"I do Sofie. But, we both know u and my parents didn't get along. So they arrange a marriage for me with a girl and-"

"And you accept it? Didn't you?"

"Yes.. But i still love you!"

"Why did u kissed her if u love me? Nick, i had enough of it! I dont wanna be the wife of mommy's good son! Hope u and that girl have a great wedding!"

I stormed out of the house, crying. Feeling ashamed i ever even loved him!

I went to the nearest bar in town and drank. Alot! I'm not even sure about what happened to me!


My friends and i, are just enjoying our free time at a bar. I spotted on a girl, who looked very drunk! I tried to ignore her, but couldn't!

I slowly walked up to her. "Hi, are you okay?" i asked.

"Nick.." she muttered out. She wasn't waking up, and her phone was completely dead to even check for her contacts.

So.. I took her home to my apartment. And lay her on my bed.

The Next Day:

I heard a loud screaming and as i opened my eyes i saw the girl. "WHERE AM I?" she ask. "Slow down. You were drunk last night and i dont know where you lived so i took u here.."

"I was drunk?! Non-sense! Where's-" she started but stopped in mid-sentence.

"Well, in that case. Thanks!"

I got up and walk out of the room.


I must be really drunk to end up in a strangers place! I was thankfull that he helped me tho.

I look around the room and down to my dress. Wait, this shirt isn't mine. DOES THAT BASTARD CHANGED ME?!

"Um.. Excuse me? Where are my dresses?"

"Your dress looked really uncomfortable so i called my sister over to changed u."

What a relief!

"Oh, i'm Sofie Miller. But you can call me Sofie."

"I'm Corbyn"


"Its Corbyn"




"I said Corbyn!"

"I'm asking Chev!"

"Its Corbyn!!"


Thanks for reading! I really apreciate it. Chapter two will be out in a few days! I have classes and alot of studying to do, i hope you understand me :)

Chev BessonWhere stories live. Discover now