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U we're arrived at your house, finally. You we're so tired and so energic at the same time, realizing again the amazing time you had with Dylan... U pick up your phone. U look at his selfie and stare at his number. 'Should i text him', your mind keeps saying. 'No no, remember u just met him once, we are not friends' you rememberd yourself. U ate u'r food, watched some tv. But you we're still thinking the whole time about him. He swarmed around in your head and you couldn't get rid of it. Still thinking about texting him, 'but it would be weird' you thought again. What if he doesn't wanted to text with me? What if he didn't want me to text him? But why would he gives his number to me, a person he barely knows? You thought about him the whole evening. You we're about to sleep, still thinking of Dylan. The message was ready to send, "I miss you Dylan, I had a great time today with you. Thanks", but you didn't send it. I can't, it's gonna be so embarrassing probably. You watched some videos on youtube and went sleep. You couldn't even sleep, u we're constantly thinking about Dylan or about texting him. After a few hours struggling with the thoughts going through your mind, you finally fell asleep. Until the moment you woke up, it was 3 am. Still was Dylan going through your mind. "Why can't my mind stop thinking about him" you thought. U were annoyed because u couldn't get rid of the constantly feeling of needing Dylan. You listened to some music to maybe fall asleep again, but every song you heard, you compared to Dylan. After a few songs u fell asleep, again. U woke up around 9 am. U felt so bad because u we're tired and Dylan was still the only thing rushing through your mind. You still stayed in bed, looking at the message u wanted to send him. But I was too scared to send it.... He probably would find it annoying.

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