Chapter 6: Lunch Time Confession

Start from the beginning

Tifa: hey Y/N, did you catch enough sleep?

Y/N: yeah, blowing up a Mako Reactor makes me tired 

The ex-SOLDIER looked around and noticed a jukebox.

Y/N: is your jukebox working?

Tifa: yeah, it should be

Y/N: let's play some music to set the atmosphere

Tifa: play anything you want while I finish washing these dishes

Y/N nodded and went to the jukebox and looked through the choices until he found a song title that caught his eye. The title of the song is called, "The Star of Seventh Heaven."

Y/N: hmm... let's play this

He inserted a coin and the jukebox started to play the music. The tune sounds calm and relaxing.

Tifa: oh that is a great choice, it sounds so relaxing

Y/N: yeah, I like it

Tifa: grab a seat, ba- I mean Y/N

Y/N smirked as he grabbed his seat as he noticed Tifa's blushing cheeks.

Y/N: you're cute when you blush, Tifa

Tifa: oh stop it you

Tifa giggled as she dried off the dishes. As she turned around, she noticed the flower on Y/N's chest.

Tifa: where'd you get that? I can't remember the last time I saw a real one

Y/N removed the flower from his chest and handed it to Tifa, making her blush a bit.

Y/N removed the flower from his chest and handed it to Tifa, making her blush a bit

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Tifa: how sweet, when did you get so thoughtful?

Y/N: well I... it's how I am

Tifa giggled as she rubs his arm; she put the flower in a vase full of water and set it on the table.

Y/N: you said I can help you cook for our lunch date

Tifa: oh right, thanks for reminding me; yeah, you can help peel these potatoes

Y/N: alright

He went behind the bar and stood beside Tifa.

Tifa: go ahead

Y/N got one of his throwing knives and used it to peel the potatoes.

Tifa: oh where did you get the knives?

Y/N: I bought them at the weapons store as an upgrade in case my pistols run out of ammo

Tifa: ooh that is nice

Tifa's Heaven (Tifa Lockhart x Male Reader) (Final Fantasy VII Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now