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I was laying in my bed tears dried on my face from the night before 

"Scarlet" My mom called causing me to flinch 

"Yes Mother" I called out 

"Get down here now" She said angery I quickly scrambled up running in front of the mirror brushing my thick red hair under my blue eyes my eyes were red and puffy I wiped the tears from my eyes pulling my hair back in a quick ponytail throwing on a large t-shirt and the only pair of shorts I had and the tore up old muddy nikes of my step brothers the only person in the world that cares about me enough to help me when I fell out of that tree and broke my wrist a few years ago I remember his reaction to it as well his Raven black hair always made his grey pop I remembered how worried he was when he heard me cry at night or when he heard me cry at all I was thinking about him and I looked up he was standing in my door way I walked over to him

"Butterfly come one" My brother said reaching his hand out I flinched back "Did Mother-Agian-That Bitch" He said 

"Max It's fine I'm fine" I said resting my hand on his shoulder 

"I care about you I want you to be ok" He said hugging me I was fidgeting a little 

"Bubba let me go" I said my breath speeding up 

"Bubba Let go" I shouted he let go and looked at me

"I'm so sorry" He said hanging his head down putting his hands in his pockets

"It's okay" I said tears flowing down my face I grabbed his hands pulling the out of his pockets 

"Scarlet if I have to come up there and get you I will lock you in the basement agian" She snapped 

"Shut up bitch she will be there in a minute" Max Shouted my mother was super nice to him She didn't answer I grabbed my brothers hand we walked out of my room and down the narrow stairs but he cut off to go to the bathroom My mother was sitting at the kitchen table with her bottle of whiskey like Always 

"Scarlet You know your supposed to have food on this table before your father gets home" She said some of her words slurring together as Grabbing the bottle of whiskey that seemed to be empty I held my head down as she she hit it against the table breaking it I listened as it shattered on to the floor and I saw some fly near my feet but she had a large shard of glass in her hand 

"Come here" She said Grabbing my wrist in a tight grip 

"No I'm sorry please I'm sorry" I said quickly trying to cover my wrist but It didn't seem to work she pressed the tip of the glass to my skin and pushed down with force Causing me to shrike in pain she then slid it to the other side tears fled my eyes as my blood dropped onto the floor and on my shoes I heard Max running down the stairs quickly 

"What the Hell happened in here" My brother shouted running over to my side he grabbed hand causing me to let out another pained cry

"Why did you do this" Max snapped she shrugged and set the glass on the table 

"Whatever Just have Breakfast on the table in twenty minutes got it" She said I nodded scrambling over to fridge to grab the food I planned on making for Breakfast

"Butterfly let me bandage your wrist" He said I nodded he pulled me over to the sink starting to run water over my wrist I winched at the sudden Shock of pain 

"It's okay Butterfly" He said he turned off the water and grabbed a towel and dabbed my wrist then wrapped it in gauze and rested his hand on my shoulder 

"Your gonna be okay I won't let that jerk touch you again" 

"But she comes in my room at night"

"I will lay in your floor," he said I laughed a little he hated laying in the floor but the fact he would lay in the floor to protect me made me smile I backed up a little

"I have to cook," I said he pulled his sleeves back.

"How can I help?" He asked I smiled at him then my smile dissapered  I nodded and waved him over 

"Here mix these" I said handing him the milk and eggs he cracked the eggs into a bowl and then poured the milk I grabbed a pan and started the Bacon we worked in sync for a while still it was done we made the plates and set them down on the table 

"I'm gonna go get Katie" Max said scowling he run up the stairs and I sat down and tears started streaming down my face I looked at my wrist it was red and bloody the gauze was almost completely dreanched I was wrapped up in thought for a minute then I heard shouting and clattering objects I ran up the stairs to my mothers room where the clattering was coming from I opened the door and peered inside My brother was standing over my moms limp body

"What Happened?" I asked

"She threatened you again Butterfly" He said

"What did you do" I asked 

"I'm in sure it was kinda a blur" He said rubbing the back of his neck with one hand I gulped a little he was sweating and his black hair was pushed agianst his for head 

"We should go eat" He said his voice sounded angery we walked back to the kitchen and ate in silence when my father walked through the door I quickly stood up pulling his chair out he sat down and began eating 

"Where's your mother" He asked looking at Max He shook his head

"I don't know she never came out of her room" He said not moving his eyes away from me 

"Why are you still here" My father asked looking at me 

"I haven't finished eati-" I started but was cut short by the back of his hand going across my face I let out another pained cry My brother stood up and pulled my father by the shirt towards him 

"Don't you ever fucking touch her again" He said pushing my father back 

"Come one Butterfly were leaving enough Is enough" He said I followed him up stairs I didn't have any clothes or important things I wanted to keep except the necklace Max got me for my birthday a while ago I ran into my room to grab it and my brush then ran back to Max he placed the stuff In a bag and we headed for the door

"This is one place neathier of us need to look back on" He said Grabbing my hand causing me to flinch I nodded and we were off to where I didn't know but any were was better than here I knew he was right we would never look back but if I had know the crazy shit we were fixing to get our selfs into I would have never left that house 

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