Lesson 9: Marry Me?

Start from the beginning

"Hi. So Chelsea, I have a lot of shit to discuss with you." I growled at her as she gave me a dirty look. "Starting with what the fuck went down with Dr.LJ last week." She took a step back and I took two steps closer to her.

"It's none of your business-"

"It's all my business. Anything that regards Dr.LJ is my business because unlike anyone else on this campus, he and I are actually in a relationship."

"Oh boo hoo. It's not like we even as much as hugged. Get over yourself London." She said stepping around me and walking back up towards the kid. "Come on Vontae, let's get something to eat before the night course." She said as she grabbed his arm and pulled him away from where I was.

She thinks she's just gonna walk off like that? Oh no no no, she has another thing coming.

I went off to the parking lot where my car was and gladly hopped in. I saw the kid get in his car and I saw Chelsea get in hers. Starting up my car, I reached into my glove compartment and pulled out my gun. Cocking it, I set it down on my lap and rolled up my tinted window, pulling my visor down and hanging a sweater over my side window.

She pulled out of the parking lot and I followed right behind her- no. I need to be not so damn obvious. I turned off into a parking lot near by and kept an eye on where she was going. By the looks of it, she may have been going in the direction of the village square where all the fast food joints were.

I drove down a different road, leading me right to that general area and I parked behind Taco Bell. I lined up my window with the alley way, and waited with my gun in hand.

To my complete surprise, there was a loud gun shot that went off. Causing me to jump nearly a mile high in my seat. Looking around, I watched a black Altima go speeding off down the blow and turned back to see Chelsea's car crashed into the Taco Bell building... I did what any smart person would do and fled the scene. Driving off in the opposite direction of the black Altima, and heading back towards campus.

Whoever did the dirty deed just saved me a bullet and a saved me an alibi. I honestly don't even care who did it or what their motive was, I'm just glad I don't have to walk around with this on my conscious.

I took my seat in the classroom and all eyes were on me for some odd reason. Our table was rather quiet, almost as if we were all studying each other.

"Why the staring-"

"So what did you do?" Chanelle asked rather brave heartedly. A snug smirk to her face as she pushed her hair all over to one side and adjusted the buttons on her button up shirt.

"What do you mean-"

"You know exactly what." Mariah said. "About Chelsea, duh." That loud crack of her gum as she popped a bubble.

"I didn't do a damn thing. I didn't have to waste a bullet on her. But since we're on this topic, how's her status?" I didn't really care to know, but just to keep conversation going.

"No information has been released." Ajalae said with her face deep in her phone. "All we know is, she's in the hospital undergoing a blood transfusion." She continued to say, pushing her bag out of the way.

"There was a shooting and a crash. That's all I know-" I just noticed all but Honey was at the thot table. "-where's Honey?"

"Detention." Chanelle said quick to inform. "I wish Leah was the one that was undergoing the blood transfusion."

"Good evening." Mr. T-Money said with a big yawn as he approached his desk. "I'm sure y'all have heard about Chelsea, so I was thinking as a project y'all could make her a get well-"

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