First practice

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" Now, we didn't come here to fight! We came here to play hockey! We're Team U.S.A. You represent your country. That's right. Now, I want you--" Coach Bombay stated to say.  To be all that you can be, right? Ya gotta raise yourself up, guys! Ya got--" Don said. "All right, now. Let's start with the scrimmage." Coach started saying again. "Great! Scrimmage!" "You heard your coach! Now--Hey. You don't need me here. I've got an appointment anyway. I've got to see Miss MacKay. She's the team tutor" Mr. Tibbles went on and on. "Don?Come on.You'll get it back at the end of the school term." Coach said like he was a teacher making us all laugh. "All right, Ducks.Show 'em what you got! Let's scrimmage!" Coach yelled. After a while of having a scrimmage us newbies had won and the final score being 14-1. Walking back to our hotel the ducks ran up to us. "Hey just because you got invited to come play with us doesn't mean your better then us!" Screamed a kid wearing a jersey with a c on it. "Whoa thats bold coming from a captain, you shouldn't be a captain if thats how you are gonna talk too ur new teammates" I snapped back at him making everyone but dean look shocked. "W-well you shouldn't snap back at me like that or i can see if i can get you off the team" he said trying to make me scared. "I have been offered to a bunch of other teams anyways and one is Iceland. I Have been playing with them since i was 9" I said back to him. 

"Wait you have been?" Dean Questioned me. "Yeah i have been thats why i leave every year around this time" I replied back to him.

Finally getting back to the hotel I hopped into the shower. Getting out of the shower i put shoirts and a sweater. after watching some tv I finally fell asleep.

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