The Truth Is a Cave

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It's been almost a week since Tommy became the leader of the new Business Bay, and he had never felt happier in his life. They had started moving things around in the main area, opening up more rooms for emergencies, started taking up different patrol routes, and Tommy even made his own suit for patrols! Looking down at his hoodie, it was one of the ones Wisp had gotten him as a welcoming gift. It was white around the middle with red sleeves and a red hood, and a belt of tools was easily placed across his chest with it on. He had a staff and a dagger attached to his belt, along with a gun (That had its safety on, of course) in a holster on his hip.

He would soon go out into the night as "Vengence", and Tommy couldn't wait.

As the sun slowly began to set, Tommy looked out the window with a grin. It was time! Tommy would go on his first patrol, but Deo would be going with him of course! The blond slipped on his hoodie and belt, pulling up the boots Bitzel had gotten him two days ago, and tightened the gasp mask that would serve to hide his identity. With a pep in his step, Tommy entered the living area where Deo was waiting. The brunette wore a dress shirt that had old oil stains on the sleeves along with tattered dress pants and combat boots. He wore a visor that covered his eyes from each angle, and his weapon (a gun) was attached to his back with a sling.

"You ready to go, Theo?"

Tommy nodded, following behind Deo with silent glee. He was going on patrol! "Make sure you get your giggles out now since we don't wanna get caught in a bad spot, okay?"

Slowing down, Tommy shook his hands happily, jumping in his spot and turning, small giggles and snots making their way past his mask. With a sigh, he calmed down and looked back at Deo who looked to be grinning. "You ready now?"

With a nod, the two set off. Deo gave Tommy a rundown of the schedule (even though Tommy helped plan it out since he knew he would be going on at least one patrol this week.) and pointed out some of the best paths to take when running from someone stronger than him. Tommy took this information like a sponge, writing down what he believed he wouldn't remember at times. "And over there is the complex that most criminals hit up." Tommy looked over and froze at what he saw. It was his old complex. The same place Tommy lived for fourteen years. "We don't usually go inside, since it's been rumored that a major villain lives in there, so I'd steer clear, okay?"

Tommy shook his head slowly in agreement. Then the two set off again, running across rooftops and climbing walls and fire escapes. A sense of freedom took over Tommy, and he couldn't help a small giggle that drew Deo's attention. "It's fun, huh?"

Tommy nodded, his large grin hidden behind his mask. " Yeah. I...I never would have imagined I'd be here..."

Deo slowed as they came to the edge of a roof, but before he could say a word, a cry of panic came from below them. Looking down, Tommy and Deo could see two men, who looked to be intoxicated, were cornering a young woman and her friend. Deo turned to Tommy with a small grin. "You wanna help with this one, or do you wanna watch first?"

"It's better to do this stuff hands-on, right? So I'll help."

Deo nodded, taking Tommy's hand before they jumped down, landing on the concrete below them. The brunette stood to his full height, and even Tommy was intimidated before he remembered what they were doing. "Hey there, fellas! I'm gonna need you to back away from these young ladies, okay?"

One of the men sneered at the two of them, brandishing a broken bottle of liquor as a weapon. "Why don' you fuck-fuckin' try me, y-ya punk!"

Tommy grimaced and tugged on the back of Deo's shirt, a silent warning that Tommy would move soon. He knew that he wouldn't be able to take on the men by himself, so his best bet would be to help the two ladies that were still forced against the wall. Looking at the woman closest to him, he gave her a gentle nod, opening his right palm up and placing his left hand in a fist to sign 'help'. The second woman seemed to understand what he was inferring, and she nodded quickly, whispering to her friend what he had signed.

As Deo stepped forward to block a stumbling attack from the first man, Tommy rushed forward to grab the second. Tommy was glad he had taken note of how the man was particularly weak in the legs, and he knocked the man to the ground. Turning towards the ladies, he motions them towards him. "C'mon! I'll get you somewhere safe!"

The two nodded and followed him as Deo finally knocked the first man to the ground, and the brunette tied both men with zip ties and left a sticky note on their head (Which was apparently something that the Bay did often with who they catch.)

"Who-Who are you?"

Tommy turned around and giggled. Deo caught up and sighed heavily. "I'm Vengence and this is Time!"

The first lady, who Tommy noted had bright red hair, looked at him with wide eyes. "You sound so young though! Are you sure you should be doing this?"

Tommy nodded, grinning while they couldn't see it. "That's why I have Time with me! He's my right-hand man in the Bay, so I don't get in too much trouble..."

The two girls giggled softly, asking if they could take a picture with their heroes before they left. The rest of the night was calm, and Tommy happily watched the stars from the roof of a building. "What'cha thinkin' bout, Theo?"

Laying his back against the roof, Tommy sighed softly. "I think tonight was a good night." He looked towards Deo. "What about you?"

The other nodded in agreement. "Yea! Tonight is pretty calm, so it was a perfect time to get you out here. You wanna... keep doin' patrols?"

"Yeah. It was... I don't know how to describe it, to be honest..." Tommy pushed himself up and he looked for Clara far above him. When he found her, he smiled gently and raised his hand towards her spot in the night sky. "I felt free, and-and strong. Like I was making a difference! And that's something that I want to keep doing! You get me?"

Deo laughed softly before he ruffled Tommy's hair. "Yeah, I get ya, Theo. It's getting late, so how about we head back to base?"

With the sky full of laughter, Tommy and Deo lept across rooftops and even tripped a few times before they arrived at their home of operations.

With a small yawn, Tommy took his gear off and got ready for bed. Curling under his covers, Tommy felt proud, truly proud, of himself for the first time in years.

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