Part 2: A training camp?

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3rd person:

It had been 2 months sense Kuguri and Shibayama had met. They have gotten closer every time they talk, and hung out. It's pretty obvious they have feelings for each other, even their teams know how whipped they are.

Kuguri's pov:

He had just been laying in his bed for the past 2 hours, scrolling threw his feed on Instagram. He shut his phone off but at that moment he got a message. He picked up his phone in annoyance. He then saw it was from his best friend, Hiroo, they have known each other for years now.

Hiroo: "hey answer your door!"
Kuguri: "why are you here?"

He shut his phone off again, throwing it across the room. He had stayed up all night talking to Yuki. He rushed down the stairs and opened the door. "Took you a while" Hiroo said in anger. "What happened with you?" Kuguri knew Hiroo doesn't get mad easy, so someone had to do something extreme for him to be THIS mad. "You don't know?" Kuguri shakes his head in confusion. "We're being stuck with those damn cats for a training camp" Hiroo almost punched the wall but the younger managed to stop him. "Okay I get your mad but don't punch the wall!" Hiroo sighed "okay then, well I need to go pack for the camp." They waved as Kuguri shut the door. He didn't mind Nekoma, he didn't really get why his team hated them so much. Well, Sakishima was the only other teammate that didn't hate them.

—•Timeskip to the day of the training camp•—

Daishou was mad. Kuguri still wasn't there and he's 4 minutes late. Just then he arrived, getting yelled at by his captain. Nohebi got on the bus and they aren't looking forward to a 5 hour drive or to be with cats. The seat chart was:
Sakishima  and Kuguri in the back.
Hiroo and Takachiho in the middle
Numai and Akama towards the front
Seguro and Daishou in the front

They got to the camp and got off the bus one by one. They headed to their given dorm and of course Kuguri was with Sakishima. It wasn't new, they were partners for everything. They got into the dorm but then heard a knock. It was from Shibayama. "Oh hey... it's time for dinner" the shorter said in a shy tone as if he was scared of something. Sakishima and Kuguri both noticed this. "Hey shortie!" They both look over at Sakishima. "I don't hate you or your team, I don't get why everyone else does" Shibayama's eyes lit up to that.

They all started walking down to dinner together. The trio decided to sit together at a table for three. They got blank stares from the teams, and they knew that. But they didn't really care, they just wanted to have fun and they were gonna be there for 2 weeks so why not make the best of it! Everyone else turned back and minded their own business but on the other hand, Hiroo stared in anger. He never thought his best friend would do something like that to him. After all Kuguri knew how much he hated the cats.

After dinner they all walked back to their dorms. "Soooooo you and Yukiii?" Sakishima said in a teasing voice. "Wh- what? No way we are just friends!" That made the Libero blush super hard. "Well your face says otherwise" Kuguri didn't reply to that.

With Shibayama:
"So what's your realationship with Nohebi's Libero?" Lev asked. Shibayama and him were roommates. "I like him" Shibayama blurting out not realizing what he said until Lev squealed. " SHUT UP LEV AND DONT TELL ANYONE!" "Y-yes Yuki-kun"
"Damn it! How could I do that?!" Shibayama thought to himself. They heard a knock at the door and opened it to see-....

That's it for part 2! Sorry if my chapters are short😅 i don't have a lot of free time. But part 3 will be out Friday! And hopefully it will be a longer chapter.

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