"Excuse me, let me past or it won't be Michael needing a hospital bed." The voice of Jessy was sickly sweet as she took the hat which had blades in off the mans head.

He suddenly snatched it back, moving aside for her.

Once entering the room, Jess looked at Polly then to Michael, noticing the annoyance displayed on his face.

"I can smell her perfume Michael.", Polly's voice was the sound of hurt, and clear frustration.

Michael sat back down on his bed, groaning as he leant for a cigarette- offering one to Jess.

Once he lit his and the girls he looked to his mother, "I don't know why she came here mum.", he sighed, "she came to drop something off and left that's all."

The two women knew it was more than that, choosing to ignore what it could be as Thomas, Lizzie and Ada walked through the doors.

Jess quickly made her way to the woman who had became like a sister to her, "god Ada I've missed you."

The Shelby tightly hugged her back, before pulling away and sitting down with the others following.

Tommy sat down in front of Jessy, "I have an opportunity for you Jessy Gold, and I need you to take it."

The brunettes stomach turned at the idea of doing anything for him, "what the hell do you want from me, I've been training Bonni- should be happy enough with that." She scoffed, rolling her eyes at the blue eyed man. 

Thomas just looked at her, nodding for Polly to continue, "we were needing Arthur here but the bastard is late as is so he'll just need to be caught up."

Jess looked at all family member confused, "why am I here, I'm not apart of this family?", she asked staring at Tommy.

Lizzie scoffed, smiling at the girl, "that's not entirely true now is it.", Jessy kicked the woman under the table, sharing a glare that could have killed.

"Oh you're one to talk." 

Tomas coughed lightly, getting her attention, "as most of you know, besides Jessy and Michael, Luca Changretta visited me not too long ago."

"And if you look," he spoke passing photographs to everyone, "that person right there is him."

Jessy could swear she had saw the man before, "wait, isn't he the one me and my dad were told to shoot a few days ago?", she asked, taking a better look at the picture.

Tomas took a deep breathe, "yes, and he is also the one that nearly made you loose your arm."

Just remembering the pain that one bullet caused sent a shiver up her arm, the shoulder still hurting her, "look I have a favour."

Jessy was still confused, "what do you need from me, I help Bonni so he can make you money, that is all."

Tomas didn't know how to ask such a favour, knowing it would result in a smack from the girl, "we need you close to him, he doesn't know you."

She threw her head back, snorting in a way that was more mocking that anyone thought she intended.

"You are having a laugh aren't you, why would I do this for you!" She shouted, standing up.

Tommy followed her actions, standing in front of her, "because, if you do this. You'll have my blessing with Finn."

Jessy couldn't stop herself as she harshly smacked the peaky blinder across the face, "how dare you use the affection I have for you brother against me.", her voice calm but sturdy.

Tomas smirked, earning another smack to his face, "if I want to be with Finn. I will be with him, I'm not risking my life for your stupid games- my father and brother already do that enough for you."

Michael had watched the twenty year old who he hardly knew, he was amazed by the courage she had.

Once she had stormed out, the Shelby turned to his family- who all held shocked looks on their faces.

Polly and Ada soon stood up to follow the girl, "just fucking Christ Tom. She's a girl, not a soldier in France." Harshly spoke Ada, "she loves our Finn, let them be happy before she ends up in a box, from running around after your favours."

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