Chapter 1

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Adelanie's P.O.V

Today I finally get to see my BFF Susan again because I'm back in LA for another M&G. BTW that's where me and her first met we instantly became BFFs. We met four years back it was the best day of our lives did I mention she's dating Calum Hood. I really like his friend Luke he's super cute. I have only told Susan about Luke. I'm so exited to see Susan again. She's bringing her other friend Jasmine I met her 2 years after I met Susan. after mines and Susan's M&G we are going to Jasmines boyfriends concert.

Susan's P.O.V

Today I get to see my bestie again. It has been a year since we last saw each other. I'm so happy I get to spend the day with her and my other bestie jasmine. I'm getting ready to go to my M&G with Adelaine we are both youtubers that's how we met. we finally got see each other in person for a M&G four years ago. I'm still in shock from what she told me A few months ago. I can't believe she likes Luke. I always thought they made a cute couple. BTW we are also going to go to a R5 concert Jasmines boyfriend is the lead singer.

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