Part One

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Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto. All rights go to Masashi Kishimoto! I only own this fanfiction.

Warning: Male x Male; OOC; contains strong language; Rating- Fiction T; some may find this story offensive; don't like, don't read

*I don't own the image above*




This story is in Hidan's point of view unless it says otherwise.

"This is so fucking stupid! You've been like this for three fucking days in a row!"

"I'm being me! What the fuck are you talking about!?"

Another day, another argument. What's new?

For most of the Akatsuki members, they're chilling, minding their business, and enjoying their day off. Kakuzu and I, on the other hand, are arguing.

Trust me, this is not the first time that we've argued. We bitch and moan about anything and everything. A minor situation turns into a big blowup when it comes to us.

Our arguments are to the point where we can't have simple conversations. If one of us tries to talk to the other, we either say something rude or sarcastic. There's usually no in between.

You would think the best thing to do is walk away, but it's not that simple between Kakuzu and I. Kakuzu is stubborn. He doesn't back down from anything. In certain cases, that's good, but when we argue, it's not.

Me, I can be stubborn, but I don't back down from an argument because Kakuzu doesn't back down. It's a tip-for-tap thing. This only makes matters worse because constant arguing and cussing travels throughout the hideout.

Before, when our arguments weren't that bad, we would eventually stop. No one had to interfere. That's no longer the case. The first one to stop them is usually Pain, but if he's not around or he doesn't care, Tobi interferes. If neither one of them says anything to stop Kakuzu and I from arguing, we'll keep going until someone manages to break it up.

"You're full of shit," I say to Kakuzu. "You've never been like this and you know it!"

"You don't know what you're talking about, Hidan," he replies.

The thing that started our argument today is Kakuzu's behavior.

The past three days, I noticed that Kakuzu was acting weird. Correction, he is weird, but I'm talking more than usual. Anytime we're together, he barely eats, he doesn't talk much, and he always has something on his mind.

Grant it, we barely talk to each other, but we have good days where we can have conversations. Anytime I would talk to him, he would space out or give short responses.

I've heard different reasons from different people, but what the fuck do they know? I've been Kakuzu's partner since day one when we got in the Akatsuki. I can read him like a book and I know he can do the same. I'm not gonna say this to Kakuzu directly, but his change in behavior has me... concerned.

For once in my fucking life, I was trying to be caring. I asked him why he's acting different, and he kept saying that there's nothing wrong with him. It escalated from there.

The way he keeps denying it makes me feel like he's calling me a liar. I know something's up. One thing for damn sure is that I don't lie. I never lie unless it's to protect the Akatsuki... or if I'm with Kakuzu. Again, I don't plan on telling him that.

"I don't know what I'm talking about," I ask him, repeating what he said. "You think I'm talking to you about this for shit and giggles!?"

"I don't know what to think! Like I said earlier, there's nothing wrong with me."

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