poem book

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spring poems

summer poems

winter poems

fall poems

animal poems

peace poems

love poems 

spring poems

The Spring And The Fall

In the spring of the year, in the spring of the year,

I walked the road beside my dear.

The trees were black where the bark was wet.

I see them yet, in the spring of the year.

He broke me a bough of the blossoming peach

That was out of the way and hard to reach.

In the fall of the year, in the fall of the year,

I walked the road beside my dear.

The rooks went up with a raucous trill.

I hear them still, in the fall of the year.

He laughed at all I dared to praise,

And broke my heart, in little ways.

summer poems

Where in the world did you go summer?

I felt your warm breeze flow through the window of the car

as I made my way through the highways of the big apple.

Where in the world did you go, summer?

I had you close,

as I walked the streets of Central Park.

Where in the world did you go, summer?

I felt you so near as I walked down 5th avenue.

Where In the world did you go, summer?

I felt your heat moisturize my skin with sweat.

I never saw you go;

I had you in the palms of my hands.

Fall poems

There's a crispness in the air that greets the morning sun, a feeling of anticipation, a new day has begun.

Harvest days are ending, winter is drawing near, yet in between is surely the most special time of year.

They call it Indian Summer, and it seems to fit the bill, for it's as if the Lord took a feathered brush and painted all the hills.

Winter Poems

Sensational tresses like locks of snow Passionate eyes like embers aglow A pale face with indication of desire Surrounded by subtle white fire Delicate limbs carved by ice Shrouded in thy gown of sleet

Alluring smile; we it shall enticeStill she lies, so quiet and sweet

Jack frost

Look out! Look out!

Jack Frost is about!|

He's after our fingers and toes;

And all through the night,

The gay little sprite

Is working where nobody knows.

He'll climb each tree,

So nimble is he,

His silvery powder he'll shake.

To windows he'll creep

And while we're asleep

Such wonderful pictures he'll make.

Animal poems

hear of a place that is made of gold,

a place where we shall never grow old,

But one answer I have not heard at all,

will there be paw prints from my little dog?

He promised us joy right from the start,

peace poems

peace poeSound of thunder, flash of light;

Children screaming, the sound of fright.

The bombs that fall, from up above;

They take away, those that we love.

Love poems

I have a feeling

That I can comprehend

In my deepest thoughts your are

More than just a friend.

I wouldn't want to

Rush us now

As love we explore

But there's a growing love inside

That we just can't ignore.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2015 ⏰

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