"T..thank you.."

"Hm?" Said man quickly turned around in question placing his gaze on the shaking man a few feet from him. He let his gaze linger there for a few seconds before Jin-Woo looked up with his tear-stained face as he wore a broken smile on his face.

"Thank you for not leaving me. I promise you won't regret it! I'll make sure to make myself useful to you. Because..I'll always love you (M/N)."

Slightly surprised, the man near the door couldn't help but faintly smile before going to kneel before Jin-Woo.

Placing his cherry red lips on the boy's own slightly bloody lips, the man hummed in bliss before parting away slightly. Rubbing Jin-Woo's bottom swollen lips, he gently stroked his hair before abruptly pulling away, causing Jin-Woo to whimper before being silenced again with a kiss.

"Excellent choice. Now..."

Standing up, he headed towards the door before pausing, briefly tilting his head behind him, he parted his lips to speak. 

"Just because we're going to be together from now on doesn't mean I'll love you. As long as you are still useful to me, I'll take care of you and won't abandon you."

Reaching for the doorknob, he couldn't help but bitterly smile, finding the possibility of him loving someone else humorous, absurd even.

"How can someone like me experience love? After all, I'm a.." 

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People who've crossed paths with (L/N) (M/N) can only think of one word to describe him, a monster.

He was known in neighboring neighborhoods as the boy who two gods fought over leaving their footprints behind in the form of both a blessing and a curse. 

His parents were caught in a shooting after settling down for only a month, leaving all their necessities to their only son, (L/N) (M/N). Surprisingly, not long after, he disappeared, taking the fortune his parents left him alongside with him. Years past and the memories of his childhood were forgotten as well, becoming a mere whisper to even the devil himself.  

One blessing and a curse. In the eyes of onlookers, the answer was obvious even to a blind man. But, to the people in the town of Scileya, the answer may be the only common thing they have with each other. 

Envy, hate, and want were what filled others' hearts who stumbled across (M/N)'s family. They loathed his parents for choosing to come to a poor neighborhood just so they can flaunt their wealth. Maybe that's why it was considered a blessing when his parents died and a curse when he became diagnosed with ASPD.

But, to (M/N), there was only one blessing he appreciated, that being an individual named Sung Jin-Woo.

There was once a myth stating that individuals with ASPD are secretly psychopaths. With the very first case of diagnosis, this myth stayed living. It hasn't been proven true, nor proven false, thus developing itself as a myth. 


"Jin-Woo~ah. Will you ma-" "No." Depressed, our protagonist, (L/N) (M/N), couldn't help but collapse as he grasped the fabric above his hysterically beating heart. People who would witness this scene would think the young male was having a heart attack. But that's not the case, not at all.

Rejecting confessions from the only person who would confess to him (M/N), for the nth time, was a norm for Jin-Woo. 

On the other hand, seeing his efforts put in vain, (M/N) would always try harder next time, thinking his best friend was playing hard to get.

After all, this was considered normal for the two friends who spent their childhood together up until now. E-Rank Hunter Sung Jin-Woo and E-Rank Hunter (L/N) (M/N), who specializes in D-Rank Melee techniques. 

This is the journey of the two protagonists of The System. But, a story can only amount to one main character, so who will come out as the victor? 



【𝐒𝐎𝐂𝐈𝐎𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐇】 𝚂𝚘𝚕𝚘  𝙻𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐Where stories live. Discover now