Chapter 6: Dylan O' Brien's Twin?

Start from the beginning

"Bail. We both know that if we had a life without Emmett our lives would be totally different. I mean He did kick Aidens' ass after he cheated on me, And he protected us from all the punks at the partys we've been to..." I said trailing off

"Alright... But what are you gonna do about you know loving him?" She sighed

"That's where you come in." I said smiling

"What do I have to do with this?" She asked confused

"You're gonna help me get over him." I said confirming her

"Okay! I did have this guy I wanted you to meet!" She said excitedly

"Um I didn't mean help me date but... You know what? I'll do it. I need to start dating sometime." I said assuring her

"Yes! Okay I'll tell you the details tomorrow I gotta go do my homework." She said sadly

"Okay bye Bail" I said

"Bye Hun!" She chirped, and the line clicked dead

"Well I guess I'm gonna be going on a blind date" I said to myself

But then I remembered something, I haven't checked on Kyle in awhile. I swear to god I am the worst sister ever these past days. Stupid Emmett.

So I walked upstairs and towards Kyle's room. I opened the door and found him playing his X-box.

"Hey Ky" I smiled

"Hey Nicky" He said concentrating on his game.

"Do you wanna come downstairs and make brownies?" I asked him. He stopped his game and immediately looked at me with a little sparkle in his eyes

"BROWNIES?" Kyle yelled

"Yes brownies.. Now come downstairs and help me." I laughed

"Okay! Race Ya!" He yelled already running out of the door

"Cheater!" I yelled running after him

I ran downstairs to find the brownie mix and all the ingredients out, with Kyle sitting next to them smirking at me. Damn he looks just like Emmett smirking. I froze but then continued walking, playing it off.

"I beat you! Ha!" He said sticking his tongue out

"How the heck did you run all the way downstairs and get all the ingredients out before I came downstairs? Are you Kid flash or something?" I asked teasingly

"OR maybe you're just a slow runner and yes I am also Kid Flash." He said proudly puffing out his chest

"Okay then" I laughed

"Let's make these brownies!" Kyle yelled

After we put the ingredients in and started mixing, some mix flew at Kyle's face while he wasn't paying attention, and boy did he look surprised.

"Why'd you put brownie batter on my face?" He whined. He then put some batter on his finger and put it on my nose

"Oh no you didn't" I challenged him playfully, getting ready to tickle him, but he caught on and immediately ran away.

I was chasing him, and he started slowing down so I grabbed him by the waist and turned him upside down.

"AHHHH!" He screamed laughing

"Gotcha!" I laughed and started tickling him. I brought him upright again and tickled him again.

"Noooo please!" He said between laughs

But then I realized that someone was by the door. I looked up and saw Emmett looking at me and smiling.

Not his signature smirk folks, a real and genuine smile.

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