
666 31 29

third person pov

there he sat, listening to his boyfriends every word. every demand. it was weekly, but it made paying bills for the houses easier.

"you know what to do"

"seduce. yeah got it, but how do we know this guy is even gay?" yeosang crossed his arms, looking at his boyfriend as he helped mingi get set up

"spotted him at a gay bar, for a married man with five kids that goes to church every sunday, you'd think he'd be getting his suit ready on saturday nights" mingi laughed, finally getting the monitors turned on "you can mic them up now"

doyun nodded and moved closer to his boyfriend and his boyfriends best friend. wooyoung was still new to this, this was considered his training. though he believes that he's 'a sex god, and can make any man fall' for him. not completely off, but he still needed training.

"you have his back if he messes up" doyun said, moving from wooyoung to yeosang, unbuttoning a couple buttons on his shirt, taping the small mic to his chest before buttoning it back to how it was.

"i know" yeosang nodded, doyun smiled and pecked his lips. at least he's in a good mood today

"don't get jealous again" seonghwa teased from the passenger seat "last time he couldn't walk for a couple days"

doyun laughed, but yeosang flinched. yes he couldn't walk, but not for the reason that seonghwa was thinking. well, not consensually, at least. mingi knew what was happening, but not all of it. he just knows it's toxic, he's not aware of the abuse.

"no promises" doyun smirked, wooyoung never wanted to punch a man more.

"okay, have your make out session while we aren't looking" mingi waved his hand, refusing to look back at the couple. wooyoung got out from his seat and climbed into the passenger seat, sitting on seonghwa's lap.

yeosang smiled, because even if he goes through pain, he loved him. he loved his kisses, he loved his celebrations after each successful crime committed. he loved it when doyun had his sweet moments, his smile, his voice telling him that everything will be okay. the sorry's he gives him after hurting him, he loved the drug that was min doyun.

doyun smiled and pulled his boyfriend into a sweet kiss, he was always sweet during missions. their tongues fought for dominance and yeosang pulled him closer. they had to pull away though, as much as they both hated it. they had a job to do.

"you'll get more after the mission" doyun smiled, whispering sweetly into his ear. yeosang smiled and nodded. he was being sweet to him today, yeosang just can't mess up during the mission.

"okay, you two have to go, he just sat down" mingi announced. wooyoung opened the van door, hopping off of seonghwa's lap. the older gave him a head pat while mingi smiled brightly at him. they were the sweetest criminals in the world

"i love you" doyun whispered "be safe"

"i love you too" the smaller said before climbing out of the vehicle. seonghwa hopped out to make sure their mic's were on and the ear pieces were working before giving them the green light to go.

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