"Can we just cuddle tonight?"

     I know, I know. I ruined the entire mood. Everyone was waiting for the big moment—Carson and I rejoining together intimately. And I get it. A few moments ago I was definitely telling him to just stick it in me already, but one thing I've noticed about myself being pregnant is that my moods switch a the drop of a dime, a snap of a finger, a boner from Carson. My heart was telling me I needed sex and I needed sex with him because we have to make sparks fly and burn down the whole complex in the heat of our lovemaking and love confessions, but...now my heart is telling me I want his arms holding me close to his own beating heart as we talk about nothing important and fall asleep together. "Of course we can..." he bites the tip of his tongue to keep from saying anything else.

I giggle, pulling him along with me into my bedroom. He wasn't happy about not getting any sex but he was dealing with his case of blue balls for me, and it made me smile. His fingers felt so right linked against mine, and it felt as if he was recharging my insides with every minute that passed. "You're so sweet to me sometimes," I look over my shoulder, blushing at the sight of him taking my entire body in all over again, those shimmering, silver eyes burning my skin, and what was even better was that he has this puppy like pout on his pretty pink lips. I would say I feel bad for him, but he could use some practice in abstinence.

He halts at the side of the bed, and asks me if it's okay if he takes a shower first. I mean yeah that's cool, I don't want your sweat and grime all over my new bedsheets. He wanders off in there, without a towel because why would he think to ask me for one? He's a man.

My closet was on the left side of my bed, right between the bathroom and my headboard so that when I hopped out of the shower, I could get my clothes. I push down the brass door handle, the open door revealing my recently reorganized walk-in closet. During my low state after our breakup I did some deep cleaning, also known as 'nesting' because apparently, it's common for pregnant women go through a phase of cleaning, as if they are getting their nest ready for their newborn. Of course at the time I didn't know I was pregnant, I figured I was just stress cleaning.

I flick on the light switch on the wall, and place my hands on my hips, looking around for a shirt for me first. I turn around to leave, heading to my dresser on the opposite side of my bed and open the second drawer. Out of my small section of tank tops, I pull out a cute, cropped pink one before frowning at my stomach. Guess I'm gonna have to retire all my crops. But not today. I pull it over my head, and make my way back inside my closet to find Carson something to wear tonight.

     He was not sleeping naked in my bed.

     Well, not without a fight he wasn't. I take off the Led Zeppelin shirt he gave me when I first met his parents off of a hanger, moving my hanger to the front of the rack with a little smile on my face. Then I bite my lip before looking on one of my shelves for random clothing items that couldn't be grouped, remembering that I had a pair of boxers from the guy I tried to sleep with after we broke up. He might be mad at me for offering, but it's all I got. "Babe?" My heart freaking flutters hearing the endearment. Babe, Baby, Sweetheart, Honey, Rainy, βροχή, they all make my heart do a little dance in my chest.

I turn around, holding the shirt and boxers in my hands, my fingers clenching both fabrics tightly when taking in the sight of him naked. God, I forgot to give him a towel. My knees did a little wiggle I'm embarrassed to admit but only because he caught me off guard and I forgot how stupid hot he was underneath his clothes. And the tattoos. I greedily eat up the muscles of his chest and abdomen, so jealous of the water droplets running down them. "Get your wet feet off of my carpet," I push him backwards with my hand on his chest, instantly loving my decision to be touchy because his chest was so firm and yet so soft. I wanted to touch him all over.

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