The Survial Exam: Day 1

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Killua's pov
I inserted the ten dollar bill into the large yellow vending machine, then typed in the number C6 twice into the code pad.

The machine whirled to life, and before I knew it I heard a small "click!". I reached my hand into the one slot and removed the two small chocolate candy fortune bars.

A satisfied smile crossed my face as I looked at the two small candy bars.

"Gon!" I called ,"If you don't come and get your candy bar, I'm gonna eat it."

I turned around to look at Gon, who stopped petting black a cat and looked at me. It took him a few seconds to process what was happening, although once I started to move the candy bar near my mouth, he realized what I said and immediately ran over to me.

"Hey, hold on a minute!"

Gon had spiky black hair and was wearing a small green sweater with a gray t-shirt underneath, a pair of short green shorts, and laced green boots. He had brown eyes, and seemed to have a reputation of being stupid, but powerful, at the same time.

Once Gon reached me, I handed him the silver wrapped chocolate fortune bar. You see, inside of the bar there is a paper which claims to have your fortune on it. I don't believe in that junk, but it still eyes my attention. It's like when you have a fortune cookie. You know it's fake, but you still want to see what the fortune says.

I began to unwrap my silver wrapper that covered the chocolate. Once I did that, I cut a piece off the chocolate bar and sucked it into my mouth, ignoring the small white sheet of paper that was taped to the wrapper.

"Killua, what does your fortune say?" Gon asked, his voice high and excited.

I teared the paper off of the bar.


What the hell.... was that meant to be a fortune or an insult? Messed up? What that a sick way of saying that I will be sick?!?!?

"Nothing really," I lied, trying to calm myself down. "So, what did yours say?"

He smiled, and first he closed his eyes. Soon, a tiny (and I mean tiny) blush crossed his face. He waved his index finger in the air and opened his eyes.

"It's... a.... secret...."

I crumbled up my paper and shoved it into my dark blue sweater.

"So is mine."

He sighed.

"Oh well... I was wondering what your fortune was," Gon admitted, then shoved a piece of chocolate into his mouth. "Your facial expression seemed pretty annoyed after you read it."

"Well you're not going to find out," I stated, then decided to switch the subject. "Where are we even going next?"

Gon stopped chewing his chocolate, then rubbed his forehead as of rubbing his forehead would give him ideas.

"Oh.... I almost forgot about what I was going to do next...," He mumbled, still rubbing his hand across his forehead.

I sighed.

"Idiot, don't tell me you seriously don't know what we're gonna do next."

There was silence as Gon rubbed his head. Honestly, why did I even try?

"I know! Why don't we do the Survival Exam?" Gon offered, then looked at me with an excited expression.

I sighed again.

"Sure," I decided, then shrugged. "So what is this Survival Exam anyway?"

His eyebrows raised. "You don't know?!?!?"

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