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Barry was glaring dragger's into the back at a random guy crossing his arms over his chest.

Killer Frost laughed at a joke the guy was telling her placing her hands on her Hips shaking her head. 

Barry growled to himself trying to keep his Anger to himself so he doesn't end up killing this bitch.

"Barry Allen you better not sped over there, let her have friends she not going to cheat on you" Cisco said placing a calm hand on his shoulder. 

Barry began to calm down as he turn to look at his best-friend not wanting to watch his girlfriend being hit on anymore.

Cisco watched as The guy placed a hand on Frost shoulder,' I mean he is Kinda good looking' He thought looking back at Barry. 

Barry was once again glaring at the Guy watching carefully at his hand goes. 

"You know Jealousy doesn't look good on you Bar, you look ready to end his life" Cisco said making sure to keep a good grip on Barry's shoulder.

Barry rolled his eyes as he sipped on his coffee still glaring at the Guy hitting on his girl. 

The Guy lowed his hand down Frost arm a little so that it was rested on her elbow now.

Frost looked down at the hand resting on her Elbow with a raised eyebrow before she rolled her eyes at herself and the guy.  

" Is she really not going to do anything to him, come on Babe Freeze his Manhood or something please" Barry said kicking a chair. 

"wanna go get some Coffee, I know a great place and maybe we can also catch a movie" Frost said looking at Barry from the side of her eye. 

The guy nodded before he began to lead Frost of Jitter's Coffee taking her hand into his with a small smirk on his face. 

Barry dropped his coffee on his lap jumping up from the chair knocking Cisco onto the floor in pain. 

"THAT'S IT I'M KILLING HIM" Barry snapped speeding out of the coffee shop eyes glowing red.

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Barry threw up the Movie door's pushing anyone in his way onto the floor scanning the place for his Girlfriend and that Bastard. 

Barry marched right up to the cashier grabbing the poor boy by the shirt, "Tell me what movie my girlfriend and that asshole went to see" Barry snapped glaring into the Boy eyes. 

Trembling with fear the boy quickly started to speak, " I don't know who your talking about "He mumbled out only to be punched in the face sending him on his back. 

Barry sped into where the Movie room's were first ready to punch that Bastard.

Walking into the Dark room Barry spotted Frost sitting in the front roll with the dude's arm around her shoulder.

"Hey bro back off my girl right now" Barry snapped running down steps and over to stand in front of the guy. 

Frost crossed her arms over her chest smirking at her Jealous boyfriend.

"Look Bro I don't know you are but you Kinda ruin-" The guy said only to cut off by Barry tossing him into the Tv screen body filled with rage. 

Barry jumped up onto the Stage walking over to the Injuried guy grabbing him by the shirt. 

" You will never come near my girl again, cuz if you do I phase my hand into your chest and end you" Barry threatens the guy punching him a repeatly on the face. 

Barry tossed the guy into the wall before he walked back over to Frost crossing his arms. 

Frost laughed a little getting up to wrap her arms around her Speedster's neck. 

"Jealous you just might be my Favoetie You my love "Frost said not caring if he mad at her.

Barry wrapped his arms around Frost waist, " Yeah will your my girl and nobody will ever touch or flirt with on my watch "Barry growled to Frost picking her up into his arms. 

Frost laughed tighting her grip on Barry's neck, " You keep talking like this Barr, I'm going to have to take you right here, right now" Frost said kissing his forehead. 

Barry smirk before he sped them to their loft not before speeding into the lab to toss his phone at Harry to show them not to call him. 

At the Flashfrost loft Barry tossed his girlfriend onto their bed taking off his shirt revel his abs to Frost. 

Barry tossed his shirt to the side before he jumped on top of Frost. Barry pulled Frost into a heated kiss. 

Barry's hand trailed up Frost thigh as he began to kiss down Frost neck. 

Moaning Frost hands found Barry's belt buckle trying to unbuckle it wanting to feel his hand on in her hands. 

Barry help frost take off his belt as they counited to spend their night making love to each other.

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A/N: Here another Chapter of this one-shoot book, and Yeah I will be writing longer smutt in the story.  I love when Barry gets jealous in the show he looks hot as hell.

Earth 2 Frost and Earth 1 Barry Allen one-shots.Where stories live. Discover now