2- kokichi

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kokichi was not having a very good day.

first, he got locked out of his freaking house because of one little prank. really, his dads should expect this by now.

second, his group of friends the he would usually hang out with, decided to go on a trip and leave him :(

and third, he somehow got himself stuck in the human realm.

now, you may be thinking "well, if he isn't a human, then what is he?" the answer is simple, really.

kokichi ouma is a demon. and their prince at that.

which is why it is vital that he get back to hell before his father sends an army out looking for him. (also he dosen't want his dad to have another breakdown. the last one... wasn't pretty).

but hey, he can't help that when he was flying around he saw a really cute boy and decided to follow him.

well... maybe he could've helped that.

whatever. what's done is done. and the only thing following the cute boy got him was kokichi getting thrown violently to the floor!!! for no reason!!! it wasn't like he was sitting on the boy's chest or anything >:(

nonetheless, he was still thrown off.

said boy seemed to be panicking. he was mumbling to himself, and all kokichi caught was 'oh god, mom's gonna be so pissed' before a lamp was clicked on.

kokichi found himself looking up into the boy's beautiful golden eyes. they were so warm and pretty and did he mention warm? he felt his face start to heat up as he gazed at the boy. yeah, it was definitely worth it to follow him.

however, the boy let out a small shriek and immediately clapped his hand to his mouth.

oh yeah, kokichi had horns. and wings. and a tail.

kokichi started to panic. "h-hey there! um, yeah, uh this is... just a dream haha!! yeah, just a dream!! time to go back to sleep!!"

his mind was racing. it was like, rule number one that you didn't let humans see you. even especially pretty ones with honey colored eyes.

the human just stared at him as if in shock. kokichi hopped to his feet and started toward the boy. he stopped when he heard footsteps on the stairs.

his eyes widened in horror.

more humans?? god, could his day get any worse?? he turned to the boy again.

"hey, okay, so, if you let me hide and don't tell anyone i'm here, i'll um... i'll grant you a wish, okay??"

the boy just kinda stared at him as the footsteps drew nearer.

kokichi was growing desperate. they were going to turn him in to scientists and he was going to get experimented on. he couldn't die yet!! he's too hot to die!!

"c'mon, human, whaddya say?"

the boy just nodded and pointed to his closet. relief flooded through kokichi as he raced across the room and ducked inside the small space.

perfect timing he thought as the bedroom door opened. he squinted through the crack in the doors of the closet.

in stepped who he assumed to be the boy's mom. she had long lilac hair and a pissed-off expression. she wore pajama pants and a tank top that didnt appear to match quite right. and gloves. for some reason.

"shuichi, my son, what is going on?" she asked. "we heard a noise."

the boy- no- shuichi looked almost terrified.

"ah, it was nothing, mom." he said. "i had a bad dream is all." his voice didn't show any signs that he was lying. color kokichi impressed.

his mom's expression softened at that.

"y'know, shuichi, if you're ever scared, there's room in me and your mother's bed for you." she said with a soft smile. "you'll never be too big to squeeze in there."

shuichi laughed a bit at that.

"don't worry mom, it was just a dream. i'm sure i'll be fine. i think i'll keep my fairy lights on, though." he clicked off the lamp as he layed back down. "good night, mom. love you."

"goodnight, shuichi. love you too." his mom replied. she turned to walk away. "would you like the door open or closed?" she asked.

"closed, please." shuichi said sleepily. the door was shut, and kokichi listened to her footsteps fade away.

"okay, you can come out now." shuichi called.

kokichi had to physically stop himself from making an 'i'm gay' joke as he pushed open the closet door and exited the small space.


oooo the suspense!!

dont worry, the next chapter will clear up some things if ur confused aha.

also, if u didnt pick up on it, shuichi's moms r kyoko and celeste uvu

anyways, thx for reading. see u next chapter!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2021 ⏰

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