❝ Mom, are you mad at m- ❞

Then the puzzled woman slapped, not even letting her daughter speak out the reasons and complaints. This wasn't what she'd been wanting all along and she'd received a harsh impact by her mother on the face now? Life really was falling apart for Hwang Mijoo as happiness was nowhere to be seen again for her.

❝ I didn't raise you for so many years to repay me with a trashy result. ❞ , the woman speaks with a straight face as Mijoo gulps down her nerves since she'd never felt this frightened of her mom being mad at her before. She thought her life's at least still stable rather than being completely torn apart....

She thought that her mother wouldn't mind, no matter what happens but guess she's wrong.

❝ Do you think I spent all of my money on you just so you can disappoint me like this? ❞ The embarrassment of losing to a rival couldn't be replaceable with other feelings and Mijoo'd also tried her best. Couldn't she compliment that she'd done a great job and can do better next time?

❝ I'm ashamed to have a daughter like you. ❞

The heart-breaking comment slipped out of her own mother's mouth as Mijoo couldn't keep herself away from streaming tears down her cheeks. All she wanted to be was a perfect daughter for her but now she's too blind to see that?

❝ Mom, I also want to become a good daughter for you! I've always wanted to! ❞ Scowling with a scrunched face as she sobs, the youngster finally let go of the clustered words which she'd been always meaning to tell but never got the chance to.

Her mother never saw her value and that's the point she needed to understand.

❝ But what can I do when you won't see my efforts and that I'm trying? Do you also think it's amazing to live when your parents don't even see your worth? ❞ Her raspy voice was shaking as she speaks, crying the heck out at the remote parking lot since she'd never felt this paranoid by her parents. She wasn't just a human toy for them to use her.

❝ Your efforts? How do they advantage then? Tell me.❞

Being so done with her mother, the flustered girl just ran away as the salty tears fell down her cheeks like an endless waterfall.

She's right all along.

There's no one by her side after everything she's been through as they didn't care about her at all.


Stepping outside her black pitched car, the elegant woman just entered her house whilst being pissed since she's confident that her daughter had enough talent to beat some rat who just won a jackpot for nothing in the end. Mijoo really disappointed her this time since she didn't know where to put her face after losing to her step-daughter.

❝ Congratulatio-❞

❝ Shut your mouth, will you? ❞

Rudely getting cut off by the rich woman, the maid had no other choice but to seal her lips shut rather than speaking out applauding remark. Something must've gone wrong with the rich family to react this way. ❝ Is there something wrong ma'am? ❞ A fierce glare was thrown by the woman rather than explaining in detail. Hwang Mijin that little piece of trash was messing her life up in a bad way.

Just when they're talking about the young lady who's achieved what her mother might've wanted her to if she's still alive, the gorgeous girl stepped into the house with a beaming smile and Jongseong by her side.

❝ Tsk, even bringing man into the house now. What a brat. ❞ , insulted the older woman as she shook her head in a displeased manner.

Mijin couldn't believe the amount of disrespect which she's getting right now, and from no one else but her stepmother who keeps trying to drown her into the bad. ❝ Aigoo. ❞ Mijin sighed heavily since she couldn't believe the middle-aged woman behaving like a child and picking on her for no reason just because her daughter lost. She might be years older than Mijin but her mindset was not.

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