Chapter 3: Victory!

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They continued their journey but for now ventured to the forest. They sat down and set up a blanket by a big patch of grass. She found some berries to make berry juice and berry sandwiches. She gave some pokemon food to her pokemon. They thought it was amazing. She always carried extra pokemon food for the different types if she met the different or injured types. Far far! What is it Quacklin said Ari? Quacklin pointed his piece of celery at the other patch of grass. Pan pan the creature moaned. Ari pulled out Dexter. Dexter said " Pansear the high temp pokemon. Clever and helpful, Pansear prefers to cook it's berries rather than eating them raw. It's natural habitat is volcanic caves, so it's no surprise it's fiery tuff burns at six hundred degrees Fahrenheit. Spearow were attacking it. It was covered In scratches from the attacking spearow. She ran in front of Pansear and between the spearow and said " Spearow! If you wanna get to Pansear then you have to get through me and my pokemon first! " As Ari commanded her pokemon directions Pansear Looked up and thought maybe this will be a trainer who is the one for me and won't abandon me. Alright the last spearow flew away with its flock. Pansear said Ari. Are you alright? Pan said Pansear nodding his head. Well pokemon let's camp here for the night. It's pretty dark. They got a fire going and set up their sleeping bags. Oh and Pansear here is some fire type pokemon food. They set up their sleeping bags and went to sleep. Pansear ate the food and crawled up on Ari and went to sleep. The next morning the pokemon woke up before Ari. Char said Charmander. Ari woke up carefully feeling like something was heavy. She looked up and saw Pansear resting on her. She signaled her pokemon to come close so she wouldn't wake Pansear. She told her pokemon " okay I'm gonna look for berries, take care of Pansear okay? ". I'm counting on you. They nodded. She lifted up Pansear very carefully and went to get some berries. Pansear woke up and said " Where is your guys trainer? " " She went to get food for us all " said Pikachu. Ari arrived a few minutes later. Oh good your up Pansear. Let's eat! They all ate and Ari, Pikachu, Charmander and Quacklin started to leave and Pansear said Pan Pan Sear!! Oh I get it. You wanna come with us? Alright go poke'ball! Pansear stayed inside. She smiled and continued the journey with a new friend.

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