Chapter fifteen

Start from the beginning

"Why didn't you tell me about what happened to your nose yesterday" she asked.

"I said it happened at football what else did you want to know" he said.

"I don't know, mabey why did it happen" she said.

"What do you mean why" he asked confused.

"You are a really good football player, don't lie about it. So why would you, who is really good at football, hit yourself in the face with a ball. There has to be a reason, so tell me, and don't you dare lie to me" she said.

"I was a little angry, no big deal" he said rolling his eyes.

"Angry at what" she asked.

"Nothing Fiz, just stay out of my business" he said annoyed.

"No" she said.

"What did you mean no" he questioned.

"I mean no I'm not staying out of your business" she said.

"Felicity" he said angrily.

"Don't Felicity me, I care about you and I know something is up. Stop pretending your fine when you're obviously not" she said.

"I'm fine, I'm back on track, everything is fine now" he said.

"What are you talking about. Why do you keep saying your back on track, what the hell does that mean" she asked agitatedly.

"You don't need to know Fiz, it just means that I am fine" he said.

"Fuck you" Fizzy said.

"Excuse me" he said. Fizzy hardly ever swore at anyone.

"Fuck you. Stop lying to me and Lottie. You locked us out of your room last Saturday and pretended like nothing happened. You pushed a dresser in front of the door, you didn't do that for no reason" she said.

"Mabey I did it because I'm tired of everyone trying to get in my business. You don't need to know every little thing that happens, and you certainly don't need to know anything about me" he said angrily.

He tried to push her towards the door, but she grabbed his wrist. He winced in pain. She looked at him confused and backed away.

"What was that" she asked concerned and confused.

"Nothing, go away" he said slamming his bedroom door.

He slid his back down the door and hugged his knees. He just needed people to stop asking questions. Questions made it harder to lie, questions made life harder. He was doing the best he could, but it wasn't enough. Father Paul told him he couldn't fall into temptation, he couldn't do that he wouldn't do that. Sinning was wrong, he knew it was, so he just needed to stay on the straight path to heaven.

He he finished all of his homework like he always does. He went to dinner like usual and nothing much happened. It was all normal. After dinner he saw Lottie sneak out of the house but didn't say anything.

Lottie sneaking out wasn't normal, but he wasn't a snitch, so he wasn't going to say anything. He went to his room and read the Bible just like every other normal day. Today was eerily normal, almost as if something was happening without his knowledge.

Later that evening he heard a knock on his window. He opened the window an Lottie climbed in, almost falling out of the tree beneath his window.

"Hey" Lottie said.

"Uh hi, where have you been" he asked.

"Places" she responded.

"Where" he asked.

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