Part 1

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A/N Based on "Denying the Roses (skephalo fanfiction)" by LemonTheLeafwing. Definitely check it out. 

Mega was having a bad day even before the petals.

First, he had found out that some of his prized possessions had been broken by the movers. Then, his little sister touched eastern poison ivy, claiming to just want to admire her namesake, nice going Ivy. Then, he was sent to after school detention for being late to class, due to the aforementioned problems which he explained, but the computer science teacher couldn't have cared less.

So he honestly wasn't too surprised when he lifted his foot, only to find rose petals under it. It was probably all a bad dream or hallucination, after all there was no way his day could be going so bad. Right?

He was wrong.

After a detention filled with vigorous pinching, Mega finally went home, resigned to his fate, it wasn't like anyone other than his family would love him.

"Hey sweetheart, how was your day? Other than, well, the morning," asked Mega's mom as soon as he walked in.

He visibly grimaced as he lifted up his hand and signed, 'not so great, I got my petals.'

His mom pursed her lips, the expression on her face alluding to the fact that she had no idea what really to say.

"Well sweetie," she started to say, pausing, "that's good, not really, it's pretty bad, but also good. You have a chance to find true love! You know I met your dad that way."

'Yes, mom, you tell us all the time,' Mega quickly signed, rolling his eyes and walking past his mom before she could begin to rant about love at first sight.

Mega quickly ran down the hall to his own room, speedily evading his father who was standing in the hallway. As soon as he entered, he got on Discord to talk to his friends. They were developing their game, Curse of the Roses. It was a relatively popular video game that his friend known as Skeppy had dreamed up two years prior. They had created the game on the platform Roblox and it had surprisingly gained a lot of traction, probably due to its relevance in their real world. Brushing the thoughts away, Mega rested his hands on the keyboard and started typing.


Hello Skeppy.



Mega felt his eyes roll to the back of his head as he read out the one two letter word Skeppy had typed. The contents of his day had made him forget just how awful Skeppy's spelling was. There was no way anyone could have worse spelling than Skeppy, even Mega, someone who had spent hour upon hour learning to read his spelling had no idea what Skeppy was saying half the time he typed.


I thought you were going to fix your spelling.


Yes I diss

Mega sighed, at least autocorrect identified two out of three words correctly this time. 66.66% was pretty high for someone with Skeppy's spelling skill. Autocorrect success typically bordered 30% for Skeppy and even that was being generous.


He doesn't even attempt to fix his spelling, ever.

Finally someone else other than just Skeppy was on. Neon was Skeppy's older sister's friend. The name Neon, like Skeppy, was just a nickname to hide their real identities, which was just unnatural given they had known each other for so long, but Mega didn't mind too much normally.


When is Zelk coming?


head shroud knees conging sop


Someone who's not an idiot?


In to idot


I'm here, just invisible, watching you an Skeppy was funny

Mega read the message, very unimpressed. Not only were there spelling errors, Zelk was taking pleasure in watching him suffer.


Freya fly iop


Maybe we should move to a VC

Mega rolled his eyes before tabbing over to VC 1.

"I have an idea for another minigame!" Came the loud voice in his headphones, bursting his eardrums.


Calm down.

With amusement clear in his voice, Zelk spoke up, "it can't be too stupid right?"

"My ideas aren't stupid!" The loud baby voice of Skeppy came from his headphones.

Well, he was wrong. Skeppy's minigame idea was one of the stupidest things Mega had heard in his whole sixteen years on the Earth. First of all, it was nearly impossible to code something like that. Secondly, it was too hard for the player. Last of all, it was a stupid impractical minigame that would only hinder people's advancement through the main game.

Mega sighed once more. He was in for a long day.

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