Tim Drake x Reader Soulmate AU

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I was feeling angsty 

Person A: Y/n

Person B: Tim

Soulmates all have defects, well like you are born with a special defect, and your soulmate is born with the opposite of that defect. For example, One person is born without a left leg the other soulmate is born without their right leg. When you meet the defect heals. But if one dies then the other person gets their defect.

Y/n was born blind, everyone pities them because they think that their soulmate is dead. But one day, while they are at a coffee shop with a friend. They meet Tim and suddenly they can see! it turns out that Tim was deaf and was surprised to hear an angelic voice greet him after never being able to hear. 

Y/n helps/coaches Tim on speaking, and Tim teaches Y/n about different colors.

Angsty ending:  

While you are at the house working, you suddenly can't see or hear anymore... Tim had died. You feel the tears prick at your eyes but you won't let them fall.

Happy/fluffy ending:

Your sight and hearing come back fast because Tim had gotten into a car wreck, technically died but got revived. You were so happy you got into your car and raced to the hospital to go and see Tim.

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