What Was Gonna be my First Kiss

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Long af title, I know, but hear me out. So a long time ago, when me and -Whisperwing- first got together, (Cough cough, I'll make a chapter about this later on) we were camping. Which was nice. We even had our own little spot to chill and talk without her mom and her sister interrupting us. Now keep in mind, we were hecking 12. We were sitting at our spot behind the cabin thing. Also yes, I know, it's technically not camping, but screw it. If my followers don't go down, then I'm still calling it canping. UwU. *Looks down to see I only have 12 followers now* Wow... screw it, still calling it camping. Anyways, we were sitting there, you know, all close and stuff. It was romantic, I loved it. Then again, I massacred grasshoppers so what the frick do I know heh heh heh. We were sitting there, when all of a sudden, she jumps up and runs over to her mom. Although she was far away, I could hear her say something about if we were old enough to kiss, and I don't know why, but I started laughing. It was amazing, I found it hilarious. -Whisperwing-, if you're seeing this, don't question my content. I'm stupid, what did you expect? XD

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