"Goodnight, my Queen," he smiles at you and lays down facing the door.

After about a minute you shift under the covers and scoot closer to Loki. He feels the bed shift as you come closer to him. Your small arm wraps from behind him around his stomach to hold him to you.

"Thank you, Loki," you whisper and kiss the back of his shoulder before you doze off again for the night.

Loki smiles to himself and reaches his hand up to hold the one you have wrapped around his torso. He would never admit to anyone else, but he loved being held like this. He lets out a content sigh and falls asleep along with you.

You wake up in the morning to find Loki still next to you, except he's not longer facing the door. Instead, he's on his back with one arm above his head and the other around you. You're wrapped around him like a koala to a tree. And for a moment you're embarrassed. You try and shift slightly to move but Loki's heavy arm keeps you in place. It's early morning so there's no need to get up quite yet. You lay your head back down on his bare chest and listen to his snores. After about an hour you feel Loki stir. Thank the gods too, you have been holding your bladder since you woke. You shift and hold yourself
up to tell Loki good morning. He smiles at the sound of your voice and opens his eyes finally to look up at you. Your breath hitches when you peer down at him. You knew Loki was beautiful but something about how the sun is shining across his face making his blue eyes glow is utterly ethereal. You can see every detail in his eyes. They're blue with streaks of green bursting from his pupils. They look like a beautiful world in themselves. The green of a forest and the blue of the sky and water. A perfect world created just for you to peer into and appreciate.

"What's wrong, Y/N," he asks as he sits up after seeing how you're looking at him dazed.

You clear your throat. "I have to pee," your voice still comes out soft like a whisper. You blush and get up from his bed. Once your feet hit the floor you have to take off running to the bathroom. You swing the door shut behind you after you hear Loki laugh. "That bad huh," he calls to you. "Oh be quiet. I could've gone earlier but your lead arms kept me in the bed," you say back to him through the door. You turn the shower on and quickly wash away the prior night. You use Loki's soap since yours is in your room. It smells like sage and mint, as always. Once you finish your fast shower you brush your teeth you head out back into the bedroom. You shimmer on a fresh set of pajamas to lounge in until you had to leave. You open the door to find Loki in the middle of getting dressed. He only has his leather trousers on and it seems he's trying to figure out which tunic to wear. "I'd say sorry for walking in on you but it's nothing I haven't seen before," you joke. Loki smiles and gestures with his head to come to him. He has two tunics on hangers in his hand.

"Which one," he asks as he switched the shirt back and forth over his body. One was green with black trim the other black with green trim. "Seriously Loki? They're about the same," you can't help but smile. "I beg to differ my Lady," he urges you to pick. "Fine the black with green trim. You always wear the other," you pick for him. "Plus it'll match me," you joke. He slips on the tunic as you summon your casual leather trousers and tunic. You make adjustments to your clothes and wear the same black with green trim as Loki is.

"If you can summon your clothes why didn't you," you ask him curiously. "Did you not like the view," he asks with a mischievous smirk. You blush at his words. "Oh shut up," you huff playfully and start walking to the door. "I'm hungry shall we go," you ask him. He nods and is smiling as he steps to you and offers his arm.

"You know I quite like you like this. You seem more your old self," Loki cautiously says. "Well you can thank your brother for that. Him and I spoke and I came to a realization about myself," you look around and pull Loki into the library off to the side, hoping to talk privately. "What's wrong," he asks looking around. "Nothing I just needed to say the rest in private. Anyways. What I did on earth was out of pain. It wasn't me. The souls I keep locked away in the ocean, I do it so I feel like I have control. The anger I hold isn't healthy for me. It did make me significantly stronger but that's the only good it did. I thought if I built my walls up and threw the anger back out into the world it would help me move on. But I never moved on from it. From you. I just want to try again. I put us in a sticky situation with the false engagement and if we have to be married then why should I make it miserable for the both of us."

Loki nods his head, "I agree. However I don't find marrying you a sticky situation. I had planned on it before I betrayed your trust." Loki strokes your cheek, "like I said before. I love you Y/N and I will do anything and everything in my power to earn your trust again."

As Loki speaks you look into is eyes and sense no lie from the God of Lies. You nod, " I believe you." You trail your hands up his chest and wrap your arms around his neck in a hug. He looks down at you softly, lovingly. You lean in slowly and place a soft kiss to his lips, "thank you for understanding." He replies with a kiss in return.

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