Do you know how to trap?

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"About Aarav. Your suspicions are false. I know I don't have proof, but if needed I will get them. But your observations... they have base. Aarav has gelled with our family and I don't want to hurt a child. I think... Sheetal is looking for a rich husband to support her and her son. When she came to office, first day she mentioned she was having financial problems. I disregarded it as a mere comment. But now that I think about it, she was known in college for running after rich spoilt kids. Few people had warned me about her when we started going out. It was one of the reasons I stopped dating her."

"The other being she's a chudail?" Khushi asked. (Translation: witch/bitch)

Akash was seeing a new side of Khushi. A jealous, possessive Khushi. He smiled. "You knew about her when I dragged you to my office, didn't you?"

Khushi turned her back to everyone.

"Come on Payal, we should go. Bhai, take my car keys. We'll go with Mohan."

Arnav mouthed thanks to Akash for understanding the situation.

The main door opened and shut and then Khushi felt Arnav hug her from behind.

"Sanka Devi..."

"Laad Governor..."

He kissed her neck and moved to her ear, letting his tongue out. Khushi stiffened then shivered.

She turned to him and looked directly in his eyes.

"There is only you, Khushi"

"I know."

"I can't tell you how much I love you right now. When you defended me to your sister..."

"I know you." Khushi cupped his cheeks. "I see you. You have been honest with me since..."

Arnav smiled. He kissed her, tasting the chocolate filled lips. "You taste so sweet."

Khushi touched her lips, then understood. "You! No more kissing." She hit his chest.

"I have other things in mind."

Friday morning, Arnav and Khushi woke up to the doorbell ringing.

They were shocked of who came now.


Arnav went to check. It was Mohan.

"Sir, Payal mam sent these clothes, food and your medicines."

"Oh, thanks Mohan."

"No problem, sir."

"Mohan", Arnav called as an afterthought. "I don't want you giving this address to anyone. I mean, anyone."

"Okay, sir. Actually, is Khushi Bhabhi with you here?"

Arnav looked at him. "Why do you want to talk to her?" He saw Mohan gulp. "Mohan, what is it?"

"Khushi Bhabhi... she asked about neighborhood where I dropped Sheetalji. I wanted to tell her."

"She did what? Never mind." Arnav sighed. "Khushi!"

Khushi came to the door, still in her office clothes from last day, yawning. "Kya hai... itni suva.. Mohan!" She composed herself. (Translation: Who is... so early...)

"You asked him to poke around Sheetal's place?"

"Woh... Arnavji... hum..." (Translation: I... Arnavji.. I just...)

"Now tell us, Mohan."

"It is a rented flat, the neighborhood is residential and very cheap rent compared to other apartments in Vasant Kunj. And I..." he looked at ASR fearfully, knowing this was his friend he was talking about. "I asked the the guard about her when she went inside. He said she shifted there two months ago with her adopted child because it's safe neighborhood. She is known to shout at her son occasionally because he asks for his father." Mohan looked at the ground.

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