Or worse..

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"Expelled, Miss Andreport, you've been expelled."

"I- that can't be possible! I haven't done anything wrong, my grades are perfect, all of my professors like me, and I haven't pulled a prank all year!!" 

"Well, I have noticed that you don't exactly fit- "

"Did my sister put you up to this?! Oh I swear the next time I see her I'll-"

"Miss Andreport, will you please calm down? I'll explain everything in a moment."

"I'm perfectly calm, thank you very much."

The Headmistress sighed seeing that she was not going to get anywhere here, she spoke, "I've spoken to headmaster Dumbledore along with your parents and we've all agreed that Hogwarts would be a better fit for you."

"You've got to be kidding!"

"I'm afraid not Victoire. I believe Ms. Clarke decided to join you."



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"Victoire, I see you've managed to get yourself expelled," Emile remarked. 

Victoire decided not to acknowledge the comment as their parent's approached them.

"Oh!! Emile!!" 

The twins' mother ran to hug the eldest twin, placing a kiss to each of her cheeks. Their father, on the other hand, walked at a slower pace then joined his wife in greeting Emile. Victoire couldn't help the feeling of jealousy that pooled within her before she shrugged it off. 

'Oh, hello Victoire."

"Hello, mum."

And with a smile from her mother and a curt nod from her father, the family made their way to their carriage.

The ride to Andreport Manor was torture for Victoire. She just wanted to get home so she could unpack but Emile was more than excited to detail her entire week to their parents. Victoire tried her best to zone out.

"Girls, go to your rooms and settle in then we will have dinner as a family,' their father stated.

Their butler had already sent their luggage to their rooms.



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Andreport Manor

Victoire didn't bother unpacking. She had never seen the point of unpacking for two days then packing again every weekend. 

She sat on her bed looking at all the photographs of her and her friends over the years. Merlin, she was going to miss them. She couldn't help but wonder if the people at Hogwarts would be like them or if they would treat her like her sister. Her thoughts wandered until she was called down for dinner.

She made her way downstairs and took a seat across from her sister. Her mother, who was seated next to Emile, decided that now was a perfect time to bring up her current situation. 

"Marco, why don't you tell our daughter about that conversation we had yesterday.."

"Ah yes... that. Your mother and I spoke to your headmistress yesterday.... She seems to think that you no longer fit in with the girls there."

"I cannot believe that you've been expelled Victoire Andreport!!" her mother cut off crossly,  "Now you'll have to attend Hogwarts!"


"How come Vic can attend Hogwarts but I cant?!" her bratty sister cut off.

"Oh don't be silly Emile, you don't want to go there! And now yo won't have to see her every weekend and we can have mother/daughter time without her intruding!"

Her sister's eyes still glistened with tears as she wiped them away and gave an "ok "to their mother.

"Victoire, go to your room! You'll be leaving for Hogwarts tomorrow and you won't be back until summer so make sure you have everything you need."

And so she did. Thanks to a simple expanding charm, she packed everything: her shelves and shelves of books, her wall decorations, all her clothing, her money, her jewelry, and everything else she could think of. 

It's safe to say that Victoire did not plan on returning to Andreport Manor this summer.

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