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          Asuka Oikawas POV

It was a Monday afternoon and i Just got out of school, Toru
said he has practice today so there was no need to wait for him. As i was walking home i came across some of my brothers fan girls asking where abouts he was, one even asked me to be their friend although i knew she only wanted to get closer to my brother but I couldnt bring myself to say no. I got home and i was immediately greeted by my parents, i took my shoes off and walked upstairs to my room to study for an upcoming test, As i was Getting all of my textbooks out i realised that i left my biology book in Torus room when he was helping me with dome questions. I got to his bedroom door and when i opened the door i was shocked when i saw that his room was completely trashed, books everywhere, bed wasn't made, his mirror was even shattered and his desk was messed up and thats when i saw 'it'........A bloody razor blade.
           Toru Oikawas POV
The bell rang and students where packing up to go home and other people where getting ready to go to there after school activities, speaking of after school activities I remembered i have volleyball practice the one thing i was dreading, why? You might ask...well.
It was around 6pm when my mom called me and my sister Asuka down to eat, i wasn't really hungry but i wasn't going to disappoint my mom with not showing up since i skipped dinner yesterday. We got to the table and started to eat, i didn't realise that i was zoned out until  Asuka was just looking at me with a worried expression and snapped me out of it, this made my parents turn around to look at me and then I realised everyone else has already half eaten their dinner and i haven't even touched it. I immediately started to eat so the suspicion would go away,and it worked after dinner i ran to my bathroom and thew everything up. I stood up to face the mirror to see my thin pale figure looking back at me, i had eyebags from the countless sleepless nights, i was thin from the days of not eating, and even when i did i would most likely throw it all up anyways. My heart started to beat faster with every second i was just stood there staring at my own reflection, my anger was rising and before i new it my fist was through the mirror. I couldn't contain these emotions that i was been bottling up for who knows how many months. I supconciously grabbed the razor blade from under the bathroom counter and held it at my wrist not even thinking about how i was going to hide it, but it was too late i had already dragged the blade across my arm not one...not two...but six times.

            3rd Person POV

He was walking to the clubroom 10 minutes after practice started, he thought that if he was to tell the team his knee was bothering him he could get out of practice, and it worked he said that he would sit at the side and coach his team without doing any physical movement.It was the end of practice and he had rushed out of the door as quickly as he could trying to avoid everyone, he just want to sit in my room and do nothing except drown his thoughts out with music.

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter :) . This is my first fan fiction i have ever written so if you have any suggestions on how to make my writing better please comment :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2021 ⏰

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