Ash's little Pikachu

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Serena was following Ashand his Pikachu into Lumiose City, his journey almost complete coming in second in the Kalos League, "hey Serena, why are you dawdling?" Ash asked his traveling companion. Ash turned his focus at the red roofed building, "hey Serena, I am going to get my plane ticket, how about we meet up at the Pokemon Centre in about an hour," Ash suggested with a smile.

Serena thought about her journey with Ash and started to think about what she was wanting, 'I never discovered what I wanted to do,' Serena thought, she frowned about the lack of direction she was heading towards.

"Serena? Are you alright?" Ash asked his travelling compainion.

The teen jolted up to see Ash clicking his fingers in front of her, "oh yeah, I was just thinking to myself, thinking that I never found something I would want to do," Serena explained with a hint of regret.

"Wow, that is horrible," Ash replied with a sigh, "let's meet up at the Pokemon Centre, then I can help you find out what you want to do," Ash promised the female trainer with a smile.

Serena nodded with a renewed hope, she turned towards the shops and started walking towards the first set of traffic lights, "alright Ash, I will go to the shops," Serena replied happily. The two went their separate ways to complete their tasks, Serena waited for the signal to walk to the other side of the road, thinking about what her next destination was, "I still don't know what I want to do," Serena admitted to herself.

The teen walked towards the shop across the street in order to find Ash the perfect going away present, "I will seriously miss him, over the course of this journey I have learned much about battling thanks to his help," Serena whispered with memories of her journey playing back in her mind, "there were scary situations, but thanks to him I gained the confidence to overcome them," Serena reminded herself.

Serena walked into a shop filled with manga, video games and costumes. The girl looked around in wonderment before being approached by a customer service member of the store, "hello, is there something I can help you out with?" the attendant asked with a smile.

Serena looked around and nodded, "yeah, I am looking for a gift, but I have no idea what to get," Serena replied softly.

"So apart from pokemon, is there anything else this person likes?" the shop attendant asked curiously.

Serena started to think about the journey she had with Ash, "well apart from my baking, he really likes a lot of things," Serena retorted, sighing at her past failures to win him over, she looked over to a onesie, coloured yellow with a lightning shaped tail, "that is a Pikachu onesie," Serena pointed out with a smile as an idea popped into her head, 'well, maybe one more try to win him over,' Serena thought to herself as she grabbed the costume and took it to the main desk.

Meanwhile at the travel agency Ash was waiting to get his ticket for the next flight to Kanto, feeling a little guilty Ash thought about something Serena said earlier, 'she never found out what she wanted to do,' Ash thought to himself as he was approached by one of the sales people.

"Is there anything I can help you out with?" the female sales person asked the trainer positively.

"Yeah I would like to have two plane tickets to Kanto please," Ash requested in response.

"That shouldn't be too difficult," the woman stated as she sat at her desk, Ash sat on the chair getting ready to pay for the plane tickets, "well there will be a plane leaving in about five hours, would that be alright with you?" the woman asked Ash.

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