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I'm not really into pictures and I like the readers to imagine the type of people who would fit the character. I also like to imagine when I read other books because some pictures are totally not what I would have imagined some characters to be like.😁

Zachary Kallis
Age: 17
He is a shy nerd but is very talkative and sassy once you get to know him. He is not good at sports but tops all classes.      
Dylan Modesto
Age: 18
Is an average student who is very outgoing and fun loving. He is a social butterfly and very good at sports. Very popular and all-around nice guy.
Dominic Modesto
Age: 18
He is a bit of a trouble maker but slightly above average student. He is a flirt and is a well-known playboy. He is very artistic in many aspects and loves to have fun and doesn't care what people think about him.
Cyrus Jacobs
Age: 17
Dylan ’s friend. He is also close to Zachary and they share secrets they can't share with the others. He is an A+ student but is very blunt and mischievous. When he gets angry, he can murder someone with his fists or sharp tongue, earning the nickname Doomsday.

Jepson Arthurson
Age: 18
Dominic's friend. He finds his older brother Brycen annoying because he hits on Jun every time, they visit the house. He is closer to his younger brother Emy.
Bruce Tifft
Age: 18
Dylan ’s friend. He is the best dancer at his school and hates Jun for unknown reasons. He usually keeps to himself but is open to his friends. Like Dylan he is also very athletic.
Beau Holland
Age: 16
Looks innocent but is a decent crook especially when combined with best friend Emy. He has a crush on Bruce but his older cousin Jun doesn't approve because of a silly feud. Because of his looks he gets a lot of attention and can get anyone to do what he wants.
Yijun Tang
Age: 18
Dominic's best friend. Also known as Jun. He is the best dancer in school and has a mini feud with Bruce Tifft because he doesn't want him to date his younger cousin Beau.
Emerson Arthurson
Age 16
The youngest Arthurson sibling who is also known as Emy. He is basically a prankster and is always getting into trouble. His best friend is Beau and they are always up to no good.
Brycen Arthurson
Age: 25
The eldest brother who works at their fathers’ company and acts more like a grandpa other than his real age. He acts as the parent in the family since they lost their real parents. He is always trying to woo Jun with gifts and attention.
Basile Tremblay
Age: 24
Owns a cafe where all the teens like to hang out. He is very cool and makes the best cupcakes in town. He is very good friends with Brycen since high school days.
Marceau Tremblay
Age: 21
Works at Basile's cafe. Also known as Marc. He is Basile’s nephew and they live together. Basile helped Marc when his mom passed away and his father abandoned him to marry his mistress when he was 16 and they have been close since that time.
Stevie Adams
Age: 18
Dominic's friend. He is also a major flirt and changes girls like he changes underwear. He is also artistic and is quite the charmer.

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