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When wooyoung but his hands he looked down so Mingi can't see he flushed face.
"Look up baby" Mingi lifted up his chin.
"Smile for me baby" Mingi softly smiled.
Wooyoung smiled slowly but softly
"Aish you're so cute" Mingi said squishing his cheeks.

"Daddyyyy" wooyoung whined when he finished eating.
"Yes, baby" Mingi said getting up to put the dished away.
"I bwored 🥺" wooyoung said pouting.
"Aww, baby, such a cute, what do you wanna do then?" Mingi asked
"Uhm PWAY AT PARK" wooyoung said excitedly.
"Okay Babs, let's got you ready then" Mingi got up. Wooyoung made grabby hands so Mingi can get him out the high chair and carry him to their shared bedroom.

Mingi put wooyoung in the passengers seat.
"Daddy, can we get a dwink fiwst?" Wooyoung asked with a pout.
"Sure" Mingi smiled.
"Oh daddyyyyyy, can we invite somewon?" Wooyoung made puppy eyes.
Ugh how can I resist this cutie.
"Sure who do you wanna play with?" Mingi asked getting his phone out ready.
"Ummm, ummmm, BAEHYUN" wooyoung shouted.
"Ah baby, be can't, busy with his studies, as you, you don't go to school, I teach you." Mingi said.
Wooyoung just pouted.
"T-then c-can you pway wif m-me?" Wooyoung stuttered.
"Of course I would bubs" Mingi smiled.
Wooyoung smiled wide.


"Here you go Babs, heres you're strawberry milkshake" Mingi handed his drink
"YAAAY, tank Chu daddy" wooyoung got the drink and started sipping at it.


Likes by seongie_eoma and 2,937 others
@minki: ugh how cute does this boy have to be, I love you wooyoung, I don't know what I could do without you, I hope we stay together, I don't know what I did to deserve you, I love you to bits my chipmunk.❣️❣️❣️❣️

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We arrived at the park.
"Daddy come on" wooyoung dragged my arm.
"Ok, ok I'm coming calm down" Mingi said chuckling.
"Swingyyyyy" wooyoung jumped on the swing.
"Wush me daddy" wooyoung said.
"Ok baby, fast or slow.
"Swoy me no wike fast" wooyoung said grabbing on the chains.
"Ok ready, I'm going to push you now." Mingi said while pushing the younger, he giggled everytime that just made Mingi heart melt over cuteness.

10 minutes later.

"Daddy come on, the swing" wooyoung said pouting to the swing.
"One minute baby, come here" Mingi stopped as wooyoung went to Mingi.
"Wha' up daddy?" Wooyoung looked Mingi.
"Would you be a good boy and wait here, until I come back from the toilet?" Mingi asked.
Wooyoung nodded his head with a smile.
"Good boy, go sit at that swing and I'll come back" Mingi patted his head.

"HEY KID" someone shouted
wooyoung looked at who shouted his name, he couldn't recognise the person.
The random man went towards him.
"Are you alone there kiddo?" The man asked.
"N-no" wooyoung was scared but didn't show it.
"But it looks like it, why are you lying to me?" The man said in a stern voice since he doesn't like anyone lying to him.
"Come with me" the man said and put his hand out.
"N-no" wooyoung said crossing his arms.
"Why not" the man asked.
"Because I promised daddy stay hewe" wooyoung said confidently.
"PFFT, come on you brat" the man said grabbing his arms.
"O-owww you're h-hurting me"wooyoung tried to get out the grip.
"I don't give a shit" the man was dragging him to a van.

Luckily Mingi got out the bathroom just in time but when he got he heard a scream, he ran to the park and saw a random man dragging wooyoung to a van.
"WOOYOUNG?!" mingi shouted to stop the man.
"DADDY HELP ME" wooyoung shouted crying his eyes out. Mingi started running them. He got wooyoung out of his hold and put wooyoung behind him.
"What the fuck are you doing" the man said pushing Mingi back.
"What do you mean what the fuck I'm doing, you literally trying to kidnap my fucking baby" Mingi said angry.
"Oh so you're his "daddy" PFFT" the man scoffs.
"Yeah got a problem" Mingi said pushing him more harder to the point where he went to the floor.
"N-no" the man said crawling back but still faces Mingi.
"D-daddy, let's go" wooyoung said holding Mingi's arm looking down.
"One minute baby" Mingi whispered.
"I swear to god man, if I ever see you do that again to this young boy, I will murder you, understand?" Mingi said in a stern voice.
"Y-yes" the man said getting up and getting in his van.
"Come on then baby" Mingi held wooyoungs hand on the way to the car.
"Well it's a good job that we got in the car on time, it started to rain" Mingi chuckled.
Wooyoung only hummed 'mhm'
"It's okay baby, they'll know not to touch you again." Mingi said touching his cheek.
"I wove you minki" wooyoung said looking at him.
"I love you too buttercup" Mingi said cupping wooyoung face cooing at him.

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