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Leon's POV

September 17, 2014. The day we landed on earth. Our ship crash-landed here. For my kind, it was meant to be a day of liberation. But for everyone on Earth it was an invasion. The human's let us no choice but to defend ourselves. National guardsmen were trying to kill us. my Dad told me to run and hide. I did as he told. i ran as fast as my legs could go. Not understanding what i was running from because i was just a little kid of six.....

Violetta's POV

M: What do you think the Alien plan would be??? We should go to my mother.

G: we can't the roads are closed. Plus things aren't going to be better there.

I hear my mommy and daddy talk. it must be about the Alien's who are here on earth. my parents told me there are monsters, but for some reason i don't believe them. i go downstairs and stop halfway.

V:What's wrong daddy??

G: Nothing baby, everything's fine.

I know he's lying but i just go with it.

G: Oh don't forget to take your medicine.

Right. i have to take medicines. why?? I don't know. My parents won't tell me. the doctor only said i was sick but that he will make me better. i walked to the kitchen table where my purple box of medicine was. there were seven little boxes. each box for a day. i took the medicine and drank my water. I hear something from the backyard. i just ignore it but i hear it again . I look over to my parents who are watching the news. i sneak out of the house and go out in the backyard. i make my way to the shed. the door is open a little. i quietly go inside and watch around. i see a little boy sitting in a corner hiding. He looks scared especially when he saw me.

V: It's okay.

I say and try to calm him down as i walk over to him. I see signs on his head like tattoos.

V: Your one of them aren't you???

I ask as he slowly nods.

V: I'll be right back..

I walk out and into the house my parents are still sitting on the couch with their eyes are still on the screen of the TV. i walk up behind them and grab the blanket that hangs on the couch. I go back outside into the shed. i walk over to the boy and put the blanket around him.

V:You don't look like a monster. you can stay here tonight. I'll come see you in the morning. be very quiet

I go back into
the house and go straight to my bedroom. I don't know why my parents say there monsters he doesn't look like one. soon my parents come and put me in bed.

The next morning i go to the shed with a bowl of cold pasta. i go in and he's already awake. i put the bowl beside him on the table.

V:here you go.

We talk and play for hours. He really seems nice. Eventually we here dogs and people from the goverment coming. They come in and surround us. I hide him behind me. They all say to get away from him, but I don't listen. they shoot him from behind and pull me away from him. I look at the dead body lying there on the ground. They've killed him. They killed someone innocent. I start to cry. My parents come and take me inside. I struggle what makes it harder for them to take me inside. I only can think about the boy......

So this was my first chapter!! What did you think????

Xxx, Shehnaaz💕🙉💕🙉

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