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One of the greatest quotes ive ever read is by frederico fellini, a brilliant men who saw life in a diffrent way, in an inspirational way,

'There is no end, there is no beginning, there is only the infinite passion of life' and its something im trying to do, this whole choose one shit is killing me, it hurts to know that i only have a few days to choose who lives and who dies

"Stuid mother fucking fates!" i havent eaten in weeks i havent slept either, i been alone in my room thinking, i didnt just give up i did do something, i tried all possibilities, i tried searching for those damn assholes but came to an end

"Cowards!" they call themself fates hah! They are nothing hut cowards, i tried contacting the damn fate messenger but he seem to have disappered, and now im lost

"Crystal?" Its sam again his been checking up on me but i ignore them, i cant face them not with this kind of decition, and it bad enough that anna has been coming more often too to check up on me and sommetime during the week the reast came too, it hurts just hearing them outside my door

"Please open" i could feel my stomach twist into knots from hunger and this stupid decition and hearing annas voice really didnt help

"Please crystal" begged jake i could feel my eyes wanting to tear up but im holding them back there was silence on the otherside so i thought they left but all of a sudden i could smell blood, sweet smell of blood and i could tell that its from all of them including sam, i coukd feel my hunger rise as i struggle to push it back

"Leave!" I screamed out followed by a groan

"We are not leaving until you open this door!" Said nina stubbornly i laid down on the bed holding my stomach as it twist inside wantingg nothing but blood and not just any blood, their blood

"Leave now!"i screamed my voice strained and hoars there was a few mumbles and fading foot steps except for one

"Sam please....go" i can feel my fangs poking my lips and my body did an involunteer shake

"You need to eat" he said stubbornly

"Oh yeah i need to eat!" I said feeling so not myself

"Shit" muttered sam then i heard fading footsteps a part of me wanted to chase him down and drain him but the sensible part of me knew it was wrong and i tried to keep that part

"Baby?!" that voice that sweet voice i know that voice, but in my current stage i couldnt think of who it belongs to, all i know is that that voice means alot to me

"I need you to calm down ok?" He said softly i closed my eyes and thought about all that has happened in just a few weeks, my family has been closer to me than ever, my vampire family has been more closer to the human family, some eve found their fated in the bunch, humans are now building life in the town, coming out from under and learning about our kind, i didnt give in to the bullshit the fates gave me i did the opposite of it, and all was good until

"Baby?" I opened my eyes to see daniel standing there holding out his hands in a defencive way

"You still graving?" He asked coutious i shook my head still looking at him as tears made their way down

"I cant....i cant do this" my voice fading as i sobbed he was next to me in an instant holding me while i cried

"Its ok....its gonna be ok" he said but his words sounded like he was trying to convince himself

"Dont tell me its ok...its not!" I sobbed on his chest

"We need to believe that it all will he fine, we just need to believe!" He said holding up my head looking me in the eyes i could tell this didnt only hurt me this decition hurted him too, and i would bet my life it hurted the others too

"Will figure this out crystal, i promise we will" he said confident he held me tight in his arms as i poured my eyes out,sometime during my little break down i fell asleep, i woke up an hour later to find that i was alone and there was a huge cup of blood on the nightstand with a note

'eat please! And get ready for tonight' i put the note down and grabbed the cup the smell hit me instantly it was sweet probably the best smelling blood ive ever smelt i instantly wanted it badly so i drank it all in one gulp i set the cup down but i was just half way there when it fell on the floor the world started spinning i stood up holding the bed for support

"D-d-daniel...." i called out but my voice seem so low and weak then i lost feeling of my entire body falling to the floor like a ragdoll thats been tossed and all went black

Floating heads telling me to choose, unknown faces flash by telling me to sacrifice, some say one life but they all dont make sense then i heard my name being called in the distance it was fade and seem so faraway, it was creepy at the sametime

"I been waiting a long time for you dear" i turned towards the voice but all i saw was nothing, the whole place was black not one color was in there

"Whos there?" I said looking around for anyone

"Someone you been seeking" he said and i felt my anger rise

"Fates" i said it like it was the most disgusting word then he laughed

"Oh i bet you wish i was them but sorry to say dear im not" he said laughing at the end

"Who are you then?" I asked getting angry with the stupid guessing game and disappointed that he wasnt one of the fates

"I am tge answer to your question" he said i raised and eye brow

"And what question are you reffering?" He laughed

"What question have you been asking?" He said

"How can i stop what is coming?" I asked him and it was silent for a while then he answered

"For anything worth having one must pay a price" he said which confuses me

"What do you mean?" I asked and he chuckled

"You know what i mean" he said

"No i don't" i said back

"Your sacrifice is the price" he said

"If so i dont have to choose" i said feeling a little hope in me

"Your sacrifice hasnt even begun" he said

"What do you mean?" I asked but then he didnt answer

"What do you mean?" I screamed as he doesnt answer me back i was getting frustraded, he wasnt answering me and i needed more answers again the heads floated by saying the same words

'One life'

'Your sacrifice' they repeated them over and over again until it became oone word

'One life to sacrifice' but not just any life....my life.

Awakened Prophecy: My sacrifice (Book 1: Awakening series)Where stories live. Discover now