'Their way of attacking is with their beaks,' Palutena spoke. Pit looked at the situation before him, on his guard. His traveling companion had already prepared to let her arrows fly and hit the crows. But with the speed their horses were running at, not all of her arrows hit their marks. 'If they catch up to you, they'll probably try breaking your arm, Pit.'

'These disgusting things can detect your life energy. They do this with the humans, too. And that energy only gets used to keep making more Falskragoj...' The tone of the blonde goddess' voice clearly showed the complete repugnance she had for these creatures.

"Look out!" Pit called to the Nordic girl running with him, as more enemies had appeared, ready for battle. She listened to his warning, as the crows had managed to catch up to them.

"There's more?!" Pit was concerned, knowing that if he was to travel with a human, it probably wasn't the best idea to reveal his powers as an angel to her. But he needed to think of a plan, and fast.

He took a firm hold of his horse's reigns to try and separate himself from Kaira and handle the birds himself. But to his surprise and even the goddess', the birds followed. They split off in various directions overhead, with some still after Kaira, and some now after Pit.

The angel used his quick reflexes to guide the horse around the birds as they swooped down, but still more were flying at high speeds up ahead. As one managed to brush the horse, leaving it with a shallow wound, Pit finally decided it was time to take the offensive.

'Pilverloh,' the Goddess of Light spoke to her angel.

"The what?" Pit questioned, but a joint attack of birds with black and white wings caused his horse to move back to Pit's traveling partner. The birds also seemed to throw feathers with the flap of their wings.

As Pit tried keeping control of his horse, Viridi quickly explained what these beings were.

'They're hawks, modified by the dwarves.' She was well aware of other beings as herself, a nature goddess. 'There are way too many atrocities here... I'd say these hawks look hungry, and are probably all fighting together for food.'

As she explained, Pit took out his own bow that he had brought along. It was one that could split into two swords for melee attacks. He skillfully used his own light power in a natural way.

Pit saw his travel companion trying to stay on course and not waste any of her arrows, making sure every shot counted. She was fully focused in both trying to shoot accurately and also keeping her horse under control.

The two continued shooting at their unpredictable targets.

"Nice aiming," Kaira called out over the loud sounds of horses and birds, still trying to decrease the enemy numbers as much as possible

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"Nice aiming," Kaira called out over the loud sounds of horses and birds, still trying to decrease the enemy numbers as much as possible.

'Good teamwork, as well,' the goddess of light commented, sounding pleased. 'I'd say you work even better with her than with Pittoo.'

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2021 ⏰

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