Alex abandoned his goal post, leaving it wide open. From the corner of her eye, Lena saw Nott throwing the Quaffle, gaining ten points for Slytherin.

Alex dove down towards Regulus, grabbing his arm and throwing him over his broom and gently flew down to the ground. Alex laid Regulus down onto the ground and Pomfrey, carrying a stretcher, and Hooch, holding a whistle, ran across the field and Hooch called a time-out. Everyone held their breath as Pomfrey examined Regulus' unconscious body.

Pomfrey opened his eyelids and examined his head. She patted his arms and legs. She bent his legs before examining his clasped hands and unfurling them. The Golden Snitch flew out of Regulus' hand.

Slytherin had won the match.

Pomfrey moved Regulus onto the stretcher and magically lifted his body into the school.

Lena looked at Sirius. Although he and Regulus had not spoken for sometime, it was clear that he cared for his brother and was concerned. The look on Sirius' face was one Lena had seen many times before on Peter's face whenever she had injured herself and was in distress, whether emotional or physical. Lena saw him move his mouth, saying something frantically, and leave the Gryffindor stands, most likely to see Regulus in the Hospital Wing. Peter, James, and Sirius followed closely behind.

Lena turned her attention to Layla. There was concern all over her face for the person she loved. There was desperation in her eyes too. Layla was desperate to be with Regulus, to bring him comfort and see if the person she loved was alright. But she knew that she couldn't go to him or show him the love she had for him in public, at least not without everything going to hell.

Layla looked back at Lena. The desperation was still in her eyes, but it was now one of pleading rather than despair. Lena did not have to exchange words with Layla to know what she was asking. Please check on Regulus for me.

Lena gave Layla a firm nod across the sea of students separating them.

"I'm going to go check on Black," Lena said suddenly and quietly.

Ava raised her eyebrow. "I know you guys are Potions partners, but you're not even friends with him. Why would you check up on him?"

"Well Sirius went to go check on him and I want to make sure Sirius is okay," Lena said, making up an excuse.

"But Sirius and his brother don't even talk!" Maggie cried.

"You can still care about someone, even if you're not talking to them."

Lena was relieved by Gwen's comment so she didn't have to keep coming up with excuses.

Gwen grabbed Lena's hand. "I'll come with you. I may not be talking to Regulus, but I still care about him."


Gwen and Lena entered the Hospital Wing and found James, Peter, and Remus sitting on a bed in the corner while Sirius sat next to Regulus. Slughorn was speaking to Pomfrey by her desk.

The Marauders turned their heads to the door after they heard it open.

"Lena, what are you doing here? And with Rowle?"

"To check on you."

"To check on your brother."

"Oh, um, well thank you," Sirius said, slightly confused.

Lena and Gwen approached Sirius and Regulus, who was looking rather worse for the wear. The younger Black nodded at them in acknowledgment as he laid in his bed. "Gwen. Pettigrew."

Sirius glanced at Gwen, annoyance flashing in his grey eyes. "Do you let everyone call you Gwen except me?"

Gwen smirked. "I only let people I like call me Gwen."

"What's not to like about me?" Sirius cried rather indignantly.

"I'm glad you asked. I've been keeping a list."

Regulus and Lena couldn't help but to snicker.

"Your hair is way too long. And you're always..."

Lena and Regulus tuned out Sirius and Gwen's ribbings, or, as Lena saw it, flirting.

"How are you feeling?" Lena asked quietly to her injured friend.

"I'm okay."

Lena looked into Regulus' eyes and knew he wanted her to give Layla the message. Lena nodded at him. Everything will be okay, she mouthed

Lena placed one hand on Gwen's shoulder and the other on Sirius'. "Hey, I'm going to head out. I have to meet my friend Layla for an assignment."

"Alright, I'll see you later," Gwen said.

"Thanks for coming, Lee," Sirius said thankfully. "And you guys can go too. There's no use in the three of you just sitting there."

Peter, James, and Remus didn't budge. They would not leave their friend, not when he needed their support. Lena stopped by them as she walked out of the Hospital Wing.

"You guys are good friends, you know," Lena said kindly and softly as she hugged her brother from behind.

And even though the compliment was directed at all of them, Remus couldn't help but blush.

"So are you," he said.

Lena smiled and bit her lip as she left, happy that Remus thought highly of her.


"Lena!" Alex waved to her as she walked into the Ravenclaw common room. "Come 'ere!"

Alex was surrounded by a crowd of people, mostly girls, singing his praises. Despite the Ravenclaw loss, Alex was the hero of the hour for saving Regulus from falling.

"How's the hero of the hour?" Lena teased.

Alex grinned. "Good. I can get used to all this. What are you doing here?"

"I came to see my friend Layla."

Alex's smile dropped slightly. "Burke?"

"Yeah. Why do you ask?"

"I asked her out..." Alex admitted sheepishly.

Lena put her face in her hand. "Why would you do that?"

"Because she's cute and I thought she liked me! She came up to me and was complimenting me for catching Black. She said no though. Apparently, she's got a Muggle boyfriend back at home."

Lena sighed. "Better luck next time, mate. Oh, and good job catching Black... But don't think that means I like you," she finished in a teasing tone.

"Haha, very funny, Lee," Alex said dryly as Lena walked upstairs.

"I know," Lena grinned, looking over her shoulder. "I'm hilarious."


"I have rounds later tonight so I'll visit him later," Layla sighed as she rested her head on Lena's shoulder.

"That's good," Lena murmured. "He'll be happy to see you."

Lena felt Layla nod. "I hated seeing him hurt. I never want anything bad to happen to him. I love him."

"He loves you too."

Layla smiled. "I know."

The Ravenclaw paused before speaking, sounding sad and distant. "I just wish we could be together, in front of everyone, and not keep it a secret."

"You will," Lena assured her. "You will someday."

Reading Between The Lines ~ Remus LupinWhere stories live. Discover now