chapter 1| the arrival

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As the peace of England and Dutchbergland continue . The king have fully trusted the country and the king Henry vii and queen Elizabeth of York . They vacation there in summertime . But the difference of Dutchbergland to England is they allow girls to be heir . The king have a 5 year old daughter , Princess Margaret of Eelwas . He love her so much he made a new title just for her . Princessdom of Eelwas . Is only going to be given to the rightful princess to be  queen . And he unite Dutchbergland jeswoburg ceblaurus and maprax for her . She is safe if the wars of the dialem is stopped . And it's only stopped if the king of the dynasty stopped it


As the house of sauncaster come back to england for summer . This summer will be the princess's last summer with her whole family . She know how her father love her . He love her more than he love his country . But little did she know . He have a illegitimate son . Which he wanted to be his successor . Dutchbergland is very secretive . Only england and France know how to get news from them . So not alot of people know this . Only the king of England and France . The Shauncaster family come to England to give them Margaret as a peace treaty for the prince of York , Henry . The future children of them will add another dynasty to Dutchbergland . They know lizzie of york will protect Margaret at all cost so do the king

When Margaret and Henry met

As the little Princess played around the garden of the palace . A little boy yell at her " GET OUT OF HERE "
" Why should I ?" Margaret ask " you're a peasant as my lady grandmother called " the little boy said . Maybe around her age . " You should have been courtsying on me little boy " Margaret said . " No YOU should have been courtsying on me " and again Margaret replied " why should I ?"

" Coz I'm the prince of York " he yell
" I'm the princess of eelwas " she replied. They both look at each other and yell at the same time " FATHER !" .

In the meeting room . The 2 kings are talking of how Margaret and Henry sould get married . Peace treaty , dowry , date of marriage, and age of marriage was already done . But the only problem is , how will they like each other ? . Just them the king of Dutchbergland heard the scream from his little girl . He rush with Henry vii behind . He also heard Henry scream

" margaret ! . What happened ?"
" Henry ! . What happened ?" The 2 king yell at once . " Who the hell is that ? . Why is she here " Henry ask . The now Margaret who's fake sobbing to her dad's chest to get more sympathy and attention is now on his big strong arms . " She is soon to be your wife " king Henry said . They both said " WHAT ?!?" .they don't like the idea . Not at all . Margaret doesn't want to marry a stupid boy who call her a nobody and Henry doesn't want to marry someone who won't even curtsey on him

They turn as enemies in court . Margaret is one of the most important person in there and that make Henry jelous

Weeks after

Henry Playing by the lake while Margaret read . They use to do this for weeks already . This is thier secret spot . As Margaret read Henry whisper yell " Snake " . Margaret stands up and hold her dagger " where ? . Don't move " Henry pointed at it and stay put as he is told . She is so close on killing it but lady beaufort yell " what are you 2 doing ?" Which shock Henry and Margaret letting the snake know they were there . Margaret push Henry aside and let the snake bite her " MARGARET NO !" Henry yell. The queen rush to him and saw saw the 6 year old princess , unconscious and her 7 year old son holding a dagger with blood on it  " what happened ? . Did you kill her ?!?! " Henry stay quiet

The king help them bring the princess to the royal pediatrician

Week after

She's fine . She fight the venom of the snake . But Henry is so greatful for it . He hold her hand tight and said " I promise to not hurt you and I will protect you " he said as Margaret sleep. All of it was heard by her . She know she was starting to fall for him

Arrival of Catherine of Aragon


The now 9 year old prince of York and his 8 year old bride is now heading to meet the new princess of Wales , Arthur's wife . Margaret have saw alot of portrait of her and she is absolutely stunning for her . She's a ginger head with blue Sapphire eyes . She's raised by not one but two of the greatest monarchs of Spain . She is fit to be queen . But for Henry . Margaret is much better than that . They might start off as enemies but the soon turned into young lovers . Thier 2 little hearts , beat for each other

As she meet her . Her eyes look like her mother's . Her fair skin , and her curly hair is same as her father . She couldn't help but shred a year when she saw her . Henry realized Catherine's features and saw his little bride shedding a tear . He hugged her beloved margaret . And whispered " I heard it's going to rain today " which made margaret smile . She like rain and storm , so much that the court of England started calling her stormi . She will play in the rain . Which scare the mother of the king , lady Margaret Beaufort . The Princess easily got pissed by her and even tried avoiding her . But it's no use as Lady beaufort is very annoying and wouldn't leave her alone

Her relationship with Catherine

As she walk around the castle at night . She cried silently . A dream of her made her want to come back at Dutchbergland . Her Dream consist of her father having a son and replacing the boy as his heir . Little did she know . It was true . She cried in a little corner but footsteps was heard . Catherine open her chambers and saw her .
" Hello Princess " she politely said . Margaret look at her and saw how beautiful she is . How she resemble her mom and dad . She look like a sibling to her .  " Hola señorita . Por que ?' Margaret ask in Spanish

Por qué estás llorando ?" ( Why are you crying ?)  Catherine ask x Extraño a mi mamá y a mi papá. y tengo un mal sueño " ( I miss my mom and dad .and I have a bad dream ) . Margaret replied . Catherine is so wowed at the princess . So fluent at Spanish . Catherine couldn't do anything so she just hugged her and let her have reassurance . Henry on the other hand realized Margaret wasn't in her chambers . He run around the castle calling her name . He went to Arthur's chamber and ask if he saw her . He said he haven't seen Catherine too . They both look around for a while and found them

Hellooooooo . Thx for reading

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