"Thought I'd lie?" I arch an eyebrow at her before looking up past her, dying to know if anyone else was in her house, though I'm met with darkness. "Am I interrupting something?" She shifts her stance, getting comfortable, but that draws my eye and I swear she stiffened up when I finally looked at her. She was in a tank top, and her nipples were showing a little, they seemed dark...darker than I remembered, and instead of the top being snug around her toned stomach, it seemed to stretch. And her stomach wasn't flat, it was actually, well fuck me it was rounder.

Flashes of her squatting over in my car those months ago hit me hard, but I didn't say anything. I merely took a step back, my heart starting to pound a little more prominently in my chest. "My sleep," she looked up at me with watery eyes, her gaze dropping to my shoes where I had stepped back. "Hi Ryker."

"Hey, Beautiful," he says softly.

She narrows her eyes at Hunter. "Backstabber." Her lips twist up into something like disgust. Yeah, I had no clue what the hell that is.

"You're pregnant." I state the obvious, though it seemed to hit us all as soon as I said the word. Her sharp, tearful gaze cuts back to mine, and she lifts her chin up just a little higher to show me she was going to step to me if this all went to shit. "It's mine."

"Ours," she corrects, though there was a slight tremble in her lips as if she wanted to say more, but dropped it. She turns it into a light smile, "guess I'm stuck with you." I could feel the shift in my eyes as her words ticked me off a bit.

"If you're going to make it seem like you're 'stuck' with me then I just fucking wasted my gas and my time, Raine." She didn't get it. She's not ready. I came too early, I guess. She's stuck with me? Fuck, if I didn't know any better, I'd say she was saying I dragged her back into this shit. As if she didn't call me.

"What are you talking about—"

"Can you please be serious for ten seconds for fuck's sake? I gave you my jacket and a letter, you read it, you called me, I came. We're fucking here, baby," I spread my arms out, my voice raising just a hair as my passion for us bubbles up in me, stirring up something too much for either of us to handle. "Do you want to get back together? Just say the words." She looks at me, stunned by my sudden switch in attitude. I can't keep pretending that I'm calm and cool and am not dying inside. Because I'm dying inside.

"Of course I want to get back..." she trails off when I press my lips tight together, losing patience. It's hot. It's humid. It's muggy. And my heart threatening to break the record of the fastest car created wasn't making me feel any better. I'm starting to feel my shirt sticking to my back, it's so goddamn hot out here.

"That's not what I'm talking about and you know it."

"We're gonna head out, buddy," Hunter taps my shoulder before waving at Raine. "Don't be too hard, okay?" She manages to give a weak smile. Ryker ruffles my hair before telling her goodnight. She murmurs it back, and locks her emotion-struck eyes to my exhausted ones. We stare at each other until their footsteps are no longer within earshot. I clear my throat, taking a step closer, wanting her to get a little dizzy in my presence and the cologne my mom bought me.

"Can I come in?" I ask, though I already knew the answer as she stepped backward and opened the door wider, allowing me to slip in past her, our bodies brushing each other briefly, though it was enough to draw a gasp from her. I immediately took in a sharp breath after the image of her letting out that same gasp with my head buried between her legs flashed across my dirty, dumb mind. I shake it off, stepping through the threshold behind her, and accidentally glancing at her ass looking good as ever in her night shorts. The soft bounce nearly makes my eyes water, and I force my gaze back up to the view of her house as she guides me deeper into it.

Storm, Meet Raine Where stories live. Discover now