Part 2

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The next day you woke up with light entering from the window. A groan past by your lips as you grab your pillow and bury your face in it. "Y/N it's time to get up", said Lady Dimitrescu as you jolt up from the bed, sudden came to mind.

"I apologize Lady Dimitrescu, I forgot", You say embarrassed, she gave you a sweet smile that almost melt your heart. "You have 15 minutes to get ready, I'll wait outside", Lady Dimitrescu said walking out, You got ready as fast as you could swinging the door open seeing the tall women.

"I'll introduce you to my daughters", Lady Dimitrescu said quickly walking away, you follow from behind as you started to wonder how was she tall, were her daughters nice or-, "This is Bella, Daniela and Cassandra", Lady Dimitrescu introduced you to them. "Hi I'm Y/N nice to meet you", You said offering your hand to them awkwardly.

"Hi I'm Bella the oldest", She said shaking, Than Daniela did that same but Cassandra, she snarl before leaving. "Don't worry she'll come around, Any way what are you good at?", Said the tall women looking at you, "uh...Organizing, planning maybe Gardening, baking", You said hoping she wouldn't judge you.

"Hmm...Well I'm satisfied that you can do some of those things, I'll make you my personal servant", She started at you from up and down. "Yes Ms. ", You respond as she give you a head pat before commanding you to follow.

Days past and you got to observe her. She like things organized, very clean, sometime has to crouch down to get in some doors, she talks to her daughters about their day and loves red wine. Right now you were outside running after a frog you saw, a smile spread on your face when you catched it, "Hello cutie", you said softly holding the little creature, patting his head, the frog close his eyes leaving a small ribbit sound.

A shadow cast over, nearly giving to a heart attack, "Y/N you weren't given permission to go outside today", Lady Dimitrescu said as you slowly got up still holding the frog in your hand. "I apologize Lady Dimitrescu, I-", You were cut off with a cold glare making a shiver run down your spine.

"Speak", she sigh, "I-I saw a frog and we'll I thought I could get him", you showed her the little guy, a small smile plastered on her face, "What's his name?", She asked making you smile brightly, "George!", You responded happily as a ribbit sound came from him again.

"You got out the castle after a frog name George?", Lady Dimitrescu asked leaning down, "Uh...Yeah I just...", You cut yourself off seeing her stare at you a bit looking at the George in your hand. "Keep him, but next time you leave without my permission you'll have serious consequences", she said, "Thank you Ms. Don't worry I won't disappoint you", You said holding the George close to you.

After that happens, you had George in your room in a hold fish tank with bugs, flies and water, rocks with small plants to make it environmental for him, as you walked out your room you heard to maids whispering to each other as they stare at you. "How is she even still alive", One said to loudly making glue your eyes to the floor.

Bumping into Bella, "Y/N how's things?", She ask smiling kindly to you, "Great, yours?", You asked, "Good, well I should get going", you nob understanding. Making into Lady Dimitrescu room you saw her in a towel making your face go red as a strawberry heart, 'It's not the moment to be Queer', you said in your head, you left quickily as possible having a queer attack.

You mean against the wall breathing in and out, you didn't why you were drawn towards her but why this quick, you've only know her for a week with two days, you couldn't fall for her, could you? A blush spread to your face feeling your heart hammer to your ears.

'No, don't fool yourself' you whisper softly closing your eyes only to see Lady Dimitrescu in a towel.

Hey peeps I hope you enjoyed this.

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